The JIT Report


Daily News, Content, Commentary, Analysis, and Interviews Freedom is under attack in every way. We are charging forward to expose the communist take over in America by the progressive, radical left and the CCP. It is clear now more than ever that lockdowns do not work and medical gestapo tactics all around the world are occurring every day. We open up talking a little about what no one else in the media will discuss. FULL Episodes On Demand Live: Watch Live On: DLive: Periscope: Twitch: YouTube: How Else to Find Us: Official WebSite: Official Telegram: Twitter: @JIT_Report Instagram: @JIT_Report

Jiu Jitsu News


This channel contains inspiring content, from exciting coverage of BJJ and MMA topics to expert training advice and in-depth technique tutorials. We also provide coaching tips to help you take your grappling game to the next level. We want to inspire and empower you to be the best version of yourself on and off the mat. The discipline and focus required to excel in BJJ and MMA can transform your life in countless ways, helping you cultivate mental toughness, physical fitness, and a never-say-die attitude that can serve you in any aspect of your life. So, whether you're a seasoned practitioner or just getting started, we invite you to join us on this journey of self-discovery, growth, and triumph. Have Fun! #bjj #jiujitsunews #brazilianjiujitsu #jiujitsu #grappling #mma #martialarts #bjjlifestyle #ufc