Since the 1980s, patients have been reporting extreme experiences of violence within occult contexts. Therapists have discovered ritual abuse involving human sacrifices, child abuse, snuff films, and consciousness splitting. The public became aware of this phenomenon, but perpetrator circles launched a campaign to dismiss it as "Satanic Panic." Nonetheless, survivors persevered, networking and speaking out. The "50 Voices of Ritual Abuse" project aims to debunk this perpetrator propaganda. 50 survivors worldwide are sharing their experiences to expose the reality of ritual abuse and mind control. Please support spreading the truth. Project launched in August 2023, with weekly testimonies on various platforms.

Community Assembly of the British Isles


We share information, knowledge, skills, services and resources contributed by members working in cooperation to foster the growth and effectiveness of our network. We believe in working together as a team to create the lives we want for ourselves. The idea is to allow people to make their own choices. We do not try to take over the running of Local groups but rather plug them in to a network which allows for the free sharing of information. This approach has seen other free thinkers join our group to add their own services to ours so that we now have the Community Assembly of the British Isles, Community Hubs, Community Law Courts, Community Peace Service (Peace Keepers), Community Light Brigade and the Community Health Initiative. Join our Community today by visiting www.ca-britishisles.com or contacting:-