Homes Around The Villages, FL - With Ira Miller


Ira has worked in The Villages area for over 20 years. He worked for the developer of The Villages for 8 and a half years before moving on to ERA/Grizzard Realtors. In those 20 years Ira has sold over 700 homes mostly in The Villages but since joining ERA/Grizzard he has sold and listed homes outside of The Villages as well. Ira\\\'s philosophy is to give the best customer service that anyone can provide in Real Estate; that is number one. Anyone can sell a home but following up with folks, calling people back and going above and beyond the call of duty whether with his listings or servicing buying clients is what it is all about for Ira. Ira doesn\\\'t just have buying clients, he sells homes to friends that started out as clients. So give him a call; you\\\'ll have a friend in Real Estate.

IRL Moments


Welcome to IRL Moments 👋, A channel designed to keep you up-to-date with what's going on with streamers who stream IRL (In-Real-Life). I commentate on clips and give opinions on streamers posted on the channel. I am given full permission to use every clip(s) posted on the channel. I also include captions for those who prefer to read what's happening in each clip. This channel gives you informative notes explaining each clip you watch, so if you haven't seen a stream in a while, you’ll still have an idea of what’s going on. If you have any concerns or questions, you can reach me on: 📧Email: 🐦 Twitter: @IRLMoments 📷 Instagram: @RealIRLMoments 🔔You should also subscribe to the channel and make sure to turn on the bell notification

Victory Center IRC Verified


Get the latest teaching continuously from the Victory Center Church in Helsingborg, Sweden. Do not forget to subscribe to the channel and to share its content. An international full gospel fellowship where both English and Swedish is a natural part of our gatherings. Where many nationalities are integrated into a warm community for the whole family, with worship, prayer, and the word as the core of our faith in Jesus Christ. Få senaste undervisningen fortlöpande från församlingen Victory Center i Helsingborg Sverige. Glöm inte att prenumerera på kanalen och att dela dess innehåll. En levande församling i Nordvästra Skåne med bas i Helsingborg och husförsamlingar i Örkelljunga, Förslöv och Åstorp. Ett andligt hem för den troende till att växa i tron och till en Jesu lärjunge i tjänst både i mission och till vardag.