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Love. Health. Tips. Hacks. Inspiration.
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This channel contains all audio and video of Fr. Gregory Hesse in known existence to date. All audio has been remastered. This channel offers the most complete and highest quality Fr. Hesse audio and video options possible. You can also download all these remastered Fr. Hesse audio files at here: Fr. Gregory Hesse, S.T.D., J.C.D., S.T.L., J.C.L., Canon Lawyer, Doctor of Thomistic Theology, lifelong friend and personal secretary of Cardinal Stickler at the Vatican from 1986-1988 has provided us with many talks and conferences where he gives a no-nonsense, intelligent, learned, and witty exposition and explanation of relevant topics facing contemporary faithful Catholics. Fr. Hesse got to know approximately 45 cardinals while studying and working in Rome for 15 years and he has an uncanny and substantial knowledge of many things. You would be hard-pressed to find another theologian quite like him. Canon Hesse was related to the Hapsburg royal bloodline. He was born in Vienna in 1952, ordained by Cardinal Marella in St. Peter's Basilica on November 21, 1981, and earned doctorates in Canon Law and Theology from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome. He worked as a personal secretary of Cardinal Stickler at the Vatican from 1986 to 1988. He passed away on January 25, 2006. You would be hard-pressed to find another theologian quite like him. A breath of fresh air in today’s widespread climate of many weak, ignorant, and naive clerics and theologians, he was affectionately called by several of his friends during his life “the bull in the china shop.” His example, testimony, and insights no doubt played and will play an important role in Catholic thought and development. Listen to find out why.
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"Ameerika hääl" ning "Lihtsalt ja Keerutamata" episoodid
Live Gamestreams featuring Classic PS2/3 and PC gaming
Were just hungry besties who cooks traditional food, country food such as tasty recipes. Hungry Besties entertains you with cooking and sharing foods.
Hi, I'm Miranda, This channel is all about cooking with essential oils in everyday recipes. These are the Most Notable Recipes that I have used for a Very LONG time, and now I have improved them to include the power of essential oils. The use of essential oils for dogs, cats, cleaning, and diffusing is profuse. Most people, however, don't know that you can cook with essential oils or know how to cook with essential oils. Knowing the difference between a safe oil to use in cooking and one that isn't, is very important. It's also important to know how much of oil to use in a recipe. Some oils are "Hot" which means that the oil should only be used in dilution when put on the skin. But in this case, it also is an essential oil that the taste is very strong, and you don't usually need as much of it in a recipe to make it work, or it will overpower the dish and other flavors. I will focus on cooking with essential oils, but I will also showcase other uses of essential oils.
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«Loominguline ühiskond» on kogu inimkonna projekt, mis pakub võimaluse viia meie tsivilisatsioon võimalikult kiiresti ja rahumeelselt uuele evolutsioonilisele arenguetapile. Selle projekti peamine eesmärk on: EHITADA ÜLEMAAILMSELT LOOMINGULINE ÜHISKOND, kus inimelu on kõrgeima väärtusega. PROJEKTI ÜLESANDED: -Luua tingimused loomingulise ühiskonna rahumeelseks ülesehitamiseks kogu planeedil. -Saada teada inimeste arvamust kogu maailmas, kas nad tahavad elada loomingulise ühiskonna formaadis ja kuidas nad seda näevad. -Pakkuda platvormi loomingulise ühiskonna kontseptsiooni ja mudeli universaalseks rahvusvaheliseks avatud aruteluks kõigis inimelu valdkondades. -Leida uusi viise kogu inimkonna ühendamiseks ja tingimuste loomiseks iga inimese aktiivseks osalemiseks ühiskonnaelus sõltumata sotsiaalsest staatusest, usust, rahvusest.
RastaKillah playing games like: Hunt, Wargaming games, Tarkov, Project Zomboid, whatever. Or maybe develop a game, or having a project to stream.
Vintage skits and stuff from Classic Old-School Sesame Street.
Sacerdote de Religiões Afro Brasileiras
Decoding the lamestream media. Refiltering the lies through a critical lens.
An inspiring channel for future millionaires who are seeking growth.
👨🏻🍳🔪𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐬 𝐨𝐬 𝐀𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐱𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐫 #𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐨 ↴
Health. Love. Hacks. Facts.\n\nOur mission is to create informative, daily videos about what matters most to you. Bestie loves to produce videos that offer relationship advice, tell you about the latest and greatest tips and hacks that will save you hours of work, give health advice that will keep you healthy and active, and create inspirational videos to help you succeed in life and in love.\n\nWe love reading all your comments and discussions. We really want the Bestie YouTube channel to be a community of people who want to help each other.
PBS Sprout
As melhores obras eruditas e seus autores clássicos reunidos em um só canal.
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Contos, histórias, fábulas, parábolas, lendas e mitos. Encontre tudo isso e muito mais!
o canal foi criado pra postar sobre loterias
Canal dedicado ao lançamento e divulgação do jogo de tabuleiro Pokémon Master Trainer Remastered. Este jogo foi criado por mim e inspirado no jogo de tabuleiro PKMMT original, D&D RPG e outras "expansões" de fontes gratuitas do jogo original que reuni após intensa pesquisa. Pretendo postar tantas jogadas DEMO, vídeos de destaque e conteúdo relacionado quanto meu tempo livre permitir. Não tenho nenhuma intenção de vender este jogo, apenas trazê-lo de volta de uma forma humilde e mais madura (remasterizada), porém não posso negar que coloquei MUITO esforço, dedicação e tempo neste projeto para torná-lo tão bem feito , confiável e impecável. Dessa forma, se algum de vocês quiser me ajudar, bata checar os links abaixo, obrigado!
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