Kat Khatibi Podcast


I’m the host of the Kat Khatibi Podcast on Health, Happiness, & Beauty. My podcast is where I speak with experts in the medical field like physicians and researchers. I interview fitness and diet experts and health coaches. We’ll talk to beauty professionals like estheticians and clean beauty proponents. We get your happiness in check with psychologists, and learn how to optimize our relationships and avoid narcissists. Occasionally, I will throw in something like a relationship coach, astrologer, handwriting analysis, or regenerative farming expert. Here you’ll learn all about my podcast, my health journey with PCOS, how to work with me, and more. Look around and reach out if you have any questions.

Chastity White Rose: The Vegan Virgin


I have recorded many videos and podcasts both by myself and many other people. However censorship became a problem for me on YouTube and so I came to Rumble in the hopes that if I do say something that others disagree with that my videos won\\\'t be deleted for no good reason. I don\\\'t promote hate or violence but I am a Vegan and an Anti-Vaxxer. People don\\\'t always like what I have to say but I believe in free speech and truth. But my main focus is on video games, computer programming, and the books I write which have nothing to do with Covid19 or the harms of Vaccines.

Canal Magia Brasil - Orações - Magias - Simpatias


Bem-vindo ao Canal Magia Brasil, vamos ajudá-lo a atrair prosperidade financeira para sua vida por meio de magias, orações e simpatias poderosas! Aqui, você encontrará diversas técnicas mágicas para melhorar sua situação financeira, atraindo dinheiro e abundância para sua vida. Nossos especialistas em magia compartilharão com você seus conhecimentos sobre práticas mágicas eficazes para alcançar seus objetivos financeiros,. Frequências de Postagem do canal , Segunda e Quarta feira sempre as 13:03 da Tarde . Contribua com Qualquer quantia para o canal clique no link abaixo👇👇 https://www.paypal.com/donate/?business=L5CYS5DQNV77J&no_recurring=0&currency_code=USD ✅ Inscreva-se no Canal e Ative as Notificações 😇 "CUIDADO" NUNCA DEIXE DE PROCURAR UM PROFISSIONAL. Nota: As terapias alternativas não substituem o tratamento/monitoramento médico. Os vídeos não dá um diagnóstico médico.😇 E-mail Para Contato silvanaemauro433@gmail.com



Greetings glad you found your way to this channel. Now that i am 61 and retired I thought I would try to learn how to stream and get ready for Ashes of Creation {I will have access to Alpha 2 and the Beta testing }. Since I played D II back in the day I thought Diablo II Resurrection would be a good game to start this learning curve with. Hope you join me on this journey :) Here is a Link to a playlist i have on YouTube if you would like to listen to some music during your day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02u3eBhStCc&list=PLwmEJAdLDX0dE9Ks_JsSyQEqLS8s1evSQ Patreon https://patreon.com/SirSativa?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link