The Price Hunter is a channel focused on offers and opportunities, it seeks to offer information on prices in different stores in different branches of activities, perfumery, fashion, appliances, electronics, makeup tools and everything that is at an interesting price here in the United States of America. America or wherever I am in the world, you are my guest on this quest. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel like and share so I can keep doing this work. Welcome and enjoy!

Jay Doll King Hefner


I was just a normal working guy with failed dreams, relationships and basically living the "I gotta pay my bills lifestyle." I had been wanting a Companion Doll for years but I kept putting it off for bills! Finally I got some encouragement from my brother and a good friend to go ahead and do it cause life is too short! I said Fuck it and finally purchased one ! Honestly I have been super confident every since! I'm proud to love Companion Dolls even though I know there's a stigma that you're a loser if you want/need one! Well I don't play into stigmas so I paid for my first doll and don't give a damn about debt right now and I feel free! I still have bills to pay but if you or me wait any longer it can be too long! We could be gone in an instant! I turned into Jay Doll King Hefner shortly after my purchase! I went from just wanting a Companion Doll to wanting to make it cool! Join my journey!