Mama Bear Talk


Welcome to Mama Bear Talk. We are Kimberly and Michelle, two extremely angry Mama Bears fighting against the abuse, indoctrination, and grooming of our children. Join us as we explore everything from everyday mom life hacks to urban gardening, homesteading, recipes, and herbal remedies. We will also speak about current events and crazy “conspiracy theories”. Basically, we will talk about whatever we want with courage and absolutely no censorship. If we get something wrong we will admit it. If we have an opinion you don’t like then take it with a grain of salt and come back again tomorrow. Watch us grow as moms while we fight the indoctrination and grooming of our children. We love you all and remember- Get Up- Get out- Get Loud

Mr. Hand Pay


Welcome to Mr. Hand Pay's Rumble channel. This channel features high limit slot machine play, but will also highlight all other forms of casino action and rewards/comps from playing these high stakes! The swings will be huge, but it's all part of the fun! Sit back, relax and enjoy our videos! I promise they will not disappoint! Don't forget to hit that Thumbs Up, Click the Bell for notifications and smack the Subscribe button. You won't want to miss a video! Don't gamble with money you cannot afford to lose! Please gamble responsibly! © All uploads are the intellectual property of Mr. Hand Pay. You do not have permission to re-use or publish any part of them without our written consent. Website is LIVE!! https:// Merchandise:

MamaBearsProject - It's okay to wait!


The Mama Bears Project is led by Police On Guard in collaboration with several organizations. The initiative was created to provide valuable and insightful resources for parents who have legitimate concerns about the lack of long-term safety data and inadequate studies for kids who aren’t an at-risk group for negative outcomes from the virus. The Mama Bears Project aims to help parents make informed decisions about their child’s health and connect parents with alternative education resources and learning pods within their community.

All Hands On Deck Podcast


All Hands On Deck Podcast provides a platform for all authentic grassroots groups and freedom-loving supporters. Our aim is to highlight the incredible actions happening across the UK and to support communities in becoming more self-sufficient, while decentralising the current power structures. Join us for honest conversations and guidance on how you can get involved! If you would like to come on the show and make your voice heard, or if you know of someone we should be interviewing, or if you simply have comments or questions about the podcast, email us at