

IL FILO DEL MAGISTRATO. PIATTAFORMA multimediale di PROVE DIRETTE AUDIO VIDEO E DOCUMENTI. La intera cordata deviata romana e i collegamenti esterni. Altro che le SALLUSTIADI !! “Quis quid ubi quibus auxiliis cur quomodo quando” —> "Chi fa, cosa, dove, quando, perché e come, con quali ausili" <— ""Ποιος κάνει με τι, πού, πότε, γιατί και πώς".

Ariana Grande


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Flagler County Grand Order of Pachyderms


It is our belief that most of the corrupting influences in American Politics could be erased and government made more responsive by one basic improvement. That is, simply for more good citizens to participate in politics. “We get the government we deserve, not the one we wish for,” remains a guide-star for a free people. We offer a meaningful movement of political clubs as the most practical means by which a broad citizen participation in politics may be achieved.