The Swerve Podcast


We do deep research that "swerves" off the mainstream path then talk about it in an uncensored way that’s not boring! We're on a mission to understand everything in the universe one obscure topic at a time! Biweekly we do extensive, deep-dive research on topics we know nothing about, focusing on listener requests. The topic is discussed over adult beverages in a manner that is simultaneously informative, humorous, and research-based. Topics typically “swerve” from mainstream perspectives and can include conspiracy theories, strange science, forgotten or alternative history, the paranormal, consciousness, myths and legends, space, UFOs, cryptids, and unexplained mysteries. Adult content, themes, and language. NEW EPISODES EVERY OTHER WEDNESDAY! Check us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or where ever else you listen to podcasts!

Because We're Here


I made this channel with two goals in mind. The first is to keep myself disciplined. I desire to upload videos on an almost daily basis that will show my growth from a moderately fit person, to a consistent and able performer of calisthenics and high rep workouts. The second is to help encourage others. I am nothing special. These videos do not showcase a burpee machine, or a jump rope master. Instead, they follow an ordinary guy trying to be better every day. With effort and consistency, I believe I can get in fearsome shape. I hope you enjoy. "Why is it us? Why us?" "Because we're here lad, and nobody else. Just us."