Minor Defense Force


Minor Defense Force is a “for-entertainment” media business featuring social media delivered, documentary-style videos of real people, in real situations. We focus primarily on the discovering, conversing and “meeting” with adults who engage in predatory behavior towards children. We define this behavior as “adults pursuing children for the expressed purpose of engaging in illegal sexual acts, illegal transporting, solicitation for illegal purposes and the pursuit of pornography featuring minors.” The people featured in our content are real people, having real conversations and the footage depicts true events. Each word, picture, video, call and ultimately “meeting” is recorded and then handed over to the appropriate authorities. For business or sponsorship inquiries please reach out to media@minordefenseforce.com

GDP News


Who is making Global Daily Profits? Most people will never do it! Could you be the exception? Curious how those doing it - did it? (hint it easier and quicker than you think) Start Your Journey TODAY! At Global Daily Profits, we're fair dinkum about empowering digital battlers to become online tycoons. We're as passionate about digital marketing as a Bunnings sausage sizzle on a Saturday arvo. Our mission is to serve up a continuous barbie of top-notch content and engage with our community like a true blue mate. We reckon we've got the inside track on what makes aspiring entrepreneurs struggle, so we've whipped up a range of digital products and services that'll sort you out faster than you can say 'crikey'. Whether you're a complete galah or a seasoned pro, we'll guide you to online success and financial freedom quicker than a kangaroo on a hot tin roof.