Legal Layman


Hello, and welcome to Legal Layman. The channel where a moron decides to read along legal statutes. Mostly focused on Texas law for the most part, but will do other States, and of course the Federal level of legislation. This is mostly for me to discuss my more controversial opinions, and takes while also learning in the process. Come join this idiot, while he figures out the law. I look forward to seeing if I can offer a unique view of legality that is not offered by a lawyer's perspective, even if it is wrong.

The Layman Collector


I started collecting toy cars and some action figures. I'm not a toy expert, I'm just a layman who is doing this for fun. I thought I'd share my opinions about these toys with other enthusiasts. I'm also interested in hearing the opinions of others who like this sort of thing. Please note that I'm not a video specialist. I'm a regular guy with a regular job and don't have enough time to heavily edit my videos to make them nicer. So please pardon me if the videos are too "raw" or "rough" compared to what you're typically used to.