Divine Mother Earth Time
2,198 FollowersLaura Eisenhower and Marisa Acocella interview amazing guests and focus on healing, transformation and solutions in these incredible times of Great Awakening and a shift into Higher Earth energies.
Laura Eisenhower and Marisa Acocella interview amazing guests and focus on healing, transformation and solutions in these incredible times of Great Awakening and a shift into Higher Earth energies.
The Marians are a Congregation of more than 500 priests and brothers in 19 countries around the world. They support the Holy Father and embrace the official teachings of the Catholic Church in our special calling to: •Spread devotion to Mary as the Immaculate Conception. •Offer our lives for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, especially the victims of war and disease. •Operate publishing apostolates and assist where the need is greatest in parishes, shrines, schools and missions. •Official promoters of the authentic Divine Mercy message since 1941 Marian Helpers are men, women, moms, dads, grandparents, families, and even children who support the mission of the Marian Fathers in various ways. They are people who, maybe just like you, are looking for ways to belong to something that is doing great good in the Church and the world. Learn more at www.Marian.org
Please subscribe to get notified of new videos. This is not a monetized channel and therefore no videos will be searchable. The official channel of Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi. הרב יוסף מזרחי הערוץ הרשמי As of 2011 Rabbi Mizrachi ( רב מזרחי ) has spoke in more than 4000 lectures, participated in many weekend seminars, radio shows, and others in English and Hebrew. These events have affected the lives of thousands of Jews which became observance of Torah and Mitzvohs. In 2004 Rabbi Mizrachi started a very successful website called DivineInformation.com that contains hundreds of lectures and videos in English and Hebrew. There are literally thousands of Baaley Teshuva from all the activities, many of them learning Torah in some of the best Yeshivas in Israel and the USA. Please know that according to the Torah the best investment a person can make is helping others learn Torah and know Hashem. Help Rabbi Mizrachi continue to educate Jewish men and women to become closer to Hashem by making your donation.
The Divine Light Holy Council are Court representatives for “We the People” and “All Life in God’s Creations” within this Universe and beyond as Decreed and Declared by this Highest Court. Email: divine.light.holy.council.777.888@gmail.com
Bitfinex is the world's leading digital asset trading platform.
Painting and Drawing Lessons & Artist Vlogs
Shifting to New Earth while awakening divinity within.
[LIVE] Gaming with Joaquin Clay
The Global Enlightenment Project’s purpose and mission is to uplift, heal and transform the lives of the billions of people living on the earth today through offering Divine Healing services/events and through the building of the Pyramid Healing Center.
Dedicated to spreading the good news of Jesus, The Divine Mercy to the world.
A Podcast that explores the “Greatest Show on Earth” everyday life & Politics in #NYC & the #NYPD. Listen while we explore past and present events while hearing actual unfiltered opinions from former NYPD members as well as other guests from all walks of life. Real Talk from Real People. Hear True Crime stories like you never heard them before! Hosted by (Ret) NYPD Lieutenant John D. Macari Jr. & (Ret) NYPD Lieutenant Eric S. Dym (The Most Complained about NYPD Cop)
World Currencies Resets
Watch live from the Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Isidoroi at Lycabettus hill, the Matins/Orthros and the Divine Liturgy. The Saint Isidoroi is a small cavernous Church of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens with daily sacrificial life, where the rock is lost in the Light and becomes a meeting place of the greatest Christian figures of the 4th century, the Cappadocian Fathers Basil the Great and Gregory the Theologian with the young Ascetic, Nectarios of Pentapolis, Porphyrios of Kausokalyvitis and Nikolaos Planas. It is sculpted inside the largest cave of Lycabettus and unites the shadow of the distant capital with the sky. The cave functioned in the 17th century as a hermitage with a small number of monks. The name of the hermitage is due to the finding of the image of Saints Isidore in the hands of a hermit. The Holy Cross dominates the Holy Temple which is located on the west side of Lycabettus Hill in Athens. The channel officially started operating in February 2020 and includes videos from Divine Liturgies, Speeches, Psalms etc.
Dedicated to Face to Face encounters with JESUS CHRIST, and other supernatural experiences.
Our philosophy of health rests in understanding that every building has a builder, every painting has a painter, and every design has a designer.
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Patriotic and Military Fine Art
Blogs and Vedios about stock market, crypto, make money online etc
I am passionate about traditional woodwork and woodworking methods, as well as the value offered by working and creating by ones hands. I make various projects using traditional hand tools and methods from different species of wood. Sometimes however, depending on the project, I will use my band saw to help roughly rip-cut wood in order to obtain thinner planks as part of the preparation step of a project. I also create wooden spoons using hand tools, with designs varying from traditional to my own creative inspirations. My website: 💻 Website: http://ravenfinewoodworking.com/ Follow me on: 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ravenfinewoodworking/ 🎬 Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ZuU5GZvDlOpy/ Contact me at: 📧 E-mail: ravenfinewoodworking@gmail.com
Painting tutorials for beginners. Art materials reviewed.
Masses, Rosaries, and the Divine Mercy Chaplet daily from the National Shrine in Stockbridge Massachusetts
Let’s face it—you probably aren’t where you want to be financially. You don’t know what to do or who to trust. You’re listening to headlines, social media and broke friends to make major money decisions. Making the right choices shouldn’t be this complicated. In every episode, George Kamel will do the research for you and break down money myths, trends and traps that you need to know about. With the right information, you’ll make smarter decisions with your life and money.
Fine Art Connection Rumble channel. Uncover the realm of Fine Art, stay updated with the latest art developments, dive into art references, and contemplate art as a financial asset.
I out out my free content to help people unleash their true powers, creativity & individualism, as well as offering foresight via Tarot/Energies Readings. As well as sharing visions, psychic knowings, remote viewing and spiritual coaching.
"Scamatoriile Iosefinei": emisiune de dezvăluiri, analiză și pamflet despre clasa politică, difuzată la Radio Gold FM România. Realizatoare: Iosefina Pascal (jurnalistă de investigații independentă, activistă civic și realizatoare de emisiuni radio-tv și online). Ediții ale emisiunii "Scamatoriile Iosefinei" de la Radio Gold FM Romania, în: - canalul video "Scamatoriile Iosefinei - Radio Gold FM Romania" din Rumble.com: https://rumble.com/c/ScamatoriileIosefineiRadioGoldFMRomania - secțiunea Toate video-urile utilizatorului "Scamatoriile Iosefinei - Radio Gold FM Romania" din Rumble.com: https://rumble.com/user/ScamatoriileIosefineiRadioGoldFMRomania - secțiunea emisiunii "Scamatoriile Iosefinei" din site-ul lui Radio Gold FM România: https://www.RadioGoldFM.ro/shows/lumea-i-cum-este - secțiunea emisiunii "Scamatoriile Iosefinei" din site-ul lui Gold TV România: https://www.GoldTV.ro/categories/scamatoriile-iosefinei Articole scrise de Iosefina Pascal în site-ul lui Solid News: https://SolidNews.ro/?s=Iosefina+Pascal Lista articolelor scrise de Iosefina Pascal în site-ul lui Solid News: Clasamentul listelor la europarlamentare realizat de jurnalista Iosefina Pascal: Locul 1 - A.U.R., locul 2 - coaliția P.S.D.-P.N.L., locul 3 - A.D.U. https://solidnews.ro/clasamentul-listelor-la-europarlamentare-realizat-de-jurnalista-iosefina-pascal-locul-1-aur-locul-2-coalitia-psd-pnl-locul-3-adu Data postării articolului: 05.04.2024. Un nou atentat la siguranta nationala a Romaniei - distrugerea agriculturii prin interzicerea rachetelor antigrindina - "Fermierii" lui Florian Coldea https://solidnews.ro/un-nou-atentat-la-siguranta-nationala-a-romaniei-distrugerea-agriculturii-prin-interzicerea-rachetelor-antigrindina-fermierii-lui-coldea Data postării articolului: 02.04.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 7: Ferma rușilor și legătura cu serviciile rusești, casa conspirativă a lui Coldea și imperiul imobiliar al caprelor mărunte https://solidnews.ro/lacatusii-lui-coldea-ferma-rusilor-si-legatura-cu-serviciile-rusesti-casa-conspirativa-a-lui-coldea-si-imperiul-imobiliar-al-caprelor-marunte Data postării articolului: 27.03.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 6: Mafia rusă, bani la sacoșă, bani în dulap, acte false, achizitii ilegale, biroul secret al lui Coldea https://solidnews.ro/lacatusii-lui-coldea-mafia-rusa-bani-la-sacosa-bani-in-dulap-acte-false-achizitii-ilegale-biroul-secret-al-lui-coldea Data postării articolului: 22.03.2024. Jurnalista Iosefina Pascal demontează toate fake-news-urile „mini-marțienilor” NASA de la Buzău. Documente exclusive ! https://solidnews.ro/jurnalista-iosefina-pascal-demonteaza-toate-fake-news-urile-mini-martienilor-nasa-de-la-buzau-documente-exclusive Data postării articolului: 19.03.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 5: Mercenarii CryptoDATA si propaganda rusească https://solidnews.ro/lacatusii-lui-coldea-partea-a-cincea-mercenarii-cryptodata-si-propaganda-ruseasca Data postării articolului: 11.03.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 4: Câmpul Tactic Digital din educație și infiltrarea instituțiilor https://solidnews.ro/lacatusii-lui-coldea-partea-a-patra-campul-tactic-digital-din-educatie-si-infiltrarea-institutiilor Data postării articolului: 08.03.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 3: Influencerii lui Coldea și banii la sacoșă https://solidnews.ro/lacatusii-lui-coldea-partea-a-treia-influencerii-lui-coldea-si-banii-la-sacosa Data postării articolului: 04.03.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 2: Documente uluitoare despre ferma din Buzău, afaceri cu păcănele, escrocherii internaționale și legăturile cu Rusia https://solidnews.ro/lacatusii-lui-coldea-partea-a-doua-documente-uluitoare-despre-ferma-din-buzau-afaceri-cu-pacanele-escrocherii-internationale-si-legaturile-cu-rusia Data postării articolului: 29.02.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 1: Cea mai mare vulnerabilitate în sistemul de securitate al României https://solidnews.ro/lacatusii-lui-florian-coldea-cea-mai-mare-vulnerabilitate-in-sistemul-de-securitate-al-romaniei Data postării articolului: 26.02.2024. Misterioasa doamnă C., Vama, Florian Coldea... Și cei 39 de achitați ! https://solidnews.ro/misterioasa-doamna-c-vama-coldea-si-cei-39-de-achitati Data postării articolului: 22.02.2024. Ginerele lui Ioan Niculae, partener oficial la Untold Dubai. Tovarăș de masă cu Florian Coldea ! https://solidnews.ro/ginerele-lui-ioan-niculae-partener-oficial-la-untold-dubai-tovaras-de-masa-cu-coldea Data postării articolului: 16.02.2024. Biden, parcat cu raportul medical, ca să-i facă loc lui Michelle Obama. Putin, maestru de ceremonii https://solidnews.ro/iosefina-pascal-biden-parcat-cu-raportul-medical-ca-sa-i-faca-loc-lui-michelle-obama-putin-maestru-de-ceremonii Data postării articolului: 09.02.2024. Iosefina Pascal denunță neonazismul din Germania ! https://solidnews.ro/iosefina-pascal-denunta-neonazismul-din-germania Data postării articolului: 16.10.2023. Cozmin Gușă (jurnalist, analist politic și realizator de emisiuni la Radio Gold FM România) despre Iosefina Pascal: "Iosefina Pascal este - dupa părerea mea - cel mai harnic și mai competent jurnalist din noua generație, specializat în investigație de presă și interpretarea evenimentelor conform adevărului demonstrabil. Ea se alătură prestigioasei echipe de comentatori și analiști de la Gold FM și realizează emisiunea "Scamatoriile Iosefinei" (de luni până joi, de la orele 16), unde comentează precis, dar și cu umor, evenimentele semnificative ale perioadei." Cozmin Gușă despre Radio Gold FM România: "În toate emisiunile de la Radio Gold FM România este analizată critic realitatea politică, economică și socială, opiniile exprimate de invitați, în mod liber și potrivit convingerilor lor, fiind adesea de natură a corecta informațiile false sau tendențios interpretate de alți operatori din mass-media."
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