The End of all Evil


The end of all evil, written by Jeremy Lock (2005), was introduced to me by Mark Passio. I found the information easy to grasp, and led to deeper thinking about how life has been in the United Kingdom of Great Britain - Communism dressed in Democracy. I felt compelled to narrate only a few chapters, but found that I covered about 90% of the book. I share links to many additional resources I've come upon, over the course of time, that has supported my greater knowing of the world in which we live. You can find Jeremy Locks book here,, no affiliation. The videos shared are for entertainment, information, education purposes only and are not be construed as medical, legal or financial advice. If you are interested in learning more about holistic therapy such as Reiki, massage & aromatherapy please look at our website which is undergoing transformation. ( Invitation; I, Deborah, have created a new channel dedicated to distance Reiki session.; MyReikiRetreat, here on rumble. As such the Reiki videos will be deleted from here and uploaded to the new channel found,

Evil Food Supply


Premium documentaries exposing the evils of our modern diet. We're here to arm you with the information you need to protect your vitality and the vitality of the people you care about, through the most binge-worthy documentaries possible. While also offering you a better alternative. And you may be thinking to yourself, ‘Who cares how healthy I am? I’m gonna die eventually anyways?’ And to that we would reply: It’s not about how you want to die? It’s about how you want to live… And Evil Food Supply is for those that want to live life to its fullest. Health is *not* wealth. Health is the only thing you’ve got. Subscribe for more. And sign up for our free newsletter to get breaking news about our food supply. These documentaries take time to make, so this newsletter is the perfect way to stay informed. Click the link below or to sign up for free right now. It only takes 15 seconds.