Chacote Outdoor Recreation


Yes it is muzzle loading, but it comes with so much more, good people good times, family fun and memories, a deep connection to our history, an unbridled love and respect for those who shouldered these arms before us and pioneered and settled the vast wilderness that would become America, the crack of a percussion cap, the sparks flying off a frizzen and the unique smell of black powder in the air, it all comes together to form memories that can only be experienced and not easily explained, but once you feel it, it will become a part of you. A wise man once said that you are merely the sum of your life's experiences, don't miss this experience for yourself or those you love.

ArionFergusonTV - Vlogs - Outdoor Recreation - Reviews


Description Hello my name is Arion Ferguson All my life I have Loved the natural wild things about life, i’ve always loved to create videos and shoot photos. I love going on adventures and making memorable moments with friends and behind the camera with the audience, I hope one day I am able to help others throughout my videos and inspire people to get out and live free and happy and see the other things in life. To have adventures and to push the limits of our minds, ArionFergusonTV is more than just a video website or a channel it is the core of my spirt and my love for my fans and the natural wild world of the woods and the rivers and lakes. Enjoy life. Get outside. Make Friends. Make Memories. Create yourself and find your true self in the wild! #ArionFergusonTV #Outdoors My Good Friends That USED TO Help Me : Daniel Roberson , Austin Futch and sometimes Homeless Luke

Remigration ou Extermination


Cette chaîne offre une analyse incisive et implacable des périls incarnés par ces envahisseurs venus d'Afrique, déjà ancrés dans notre monde sans même avoir eu besoin de défoncer nos remparts. Leur infiltration insidieuse et leur parasitisme latent gangrènent notre civilisation. Notre mission ? Réveiller les consciences des autochtones de souche, leur ouvrir les yeux sur cette contamination rampante qui érode les fondements même de notre survie collective.

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