

We are perched precariously on a preposterously perilous precipice, environmentally, economically, culturally,and globally. Decentralization of finances, information exchange, and innovation, via cryptocurrencies and other blockchain based technologies offer a way forward. Opportunities in the realm of conscious investment ranging from green energy to psilocybin companies offer us tremendous potential to empower ourselves, while catalyze the requisite changes that are necessary to return the planet to homeostasis. Global interest in plant medicines and other entheogens suggest a collective recognition of the need to catalyze consciousness, along with exponentially increased interest in yoga, meditation, and other spiritual practices. This channel is an effort to offer every empowering insight, every financial opportunity, and every liberating skill that I have to share in a sincere effort to empower the right people, so that they may do the same.

Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings


Hi my name is Pam, I am a Psychic Medium and have been doing psychic readings professionally since 2001. I hope you find these readings interesting, informative, fun and helpful. I have been posting “general Readings” for the public online since June 2014. Please check out my Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings for each sign of the zodiac here on Rumble. Thanks for watching and subscribing! You can follow my work also on website:, on Facebook: The Lucky Mermaid LLC and also be sure to check out my twitter: @theluckymermaid, Instagram: theluckymermaid_pamgeorgel, and on Facebook: The Lucky Mermaid LLC.