Dr. Sten Ekberg Verified


Health Channel that focuses on all aspects of Natural Health & Wellness featuring Olympic decathlete & holistic doctor, Dr. Sten Ekberg with Wellness For Life. You'll learn to master holistic health, stay healthy naturally, live longer and have quality of life by learning how the body really works. Dr. Ekberg covers health tips like healthy foods to eat, nutrition, weight loss, healthy keto diet, low carb foods, intermittent fasting, holistic health tips, lower blood pressure, reverse insulin resistance, reduce stress, how to exercise, thyroid issues, brain health, stretches & more Videos every Friday at 6:15am ET ▶️ SUBSCRIBE TO MASTER YOUR HEALTH http://bit.ly/2vtLhpK Dr. Sten Ekberg • Holistic Natural Health Doctor • Education in Nutrition, Neurology, Physiology, Chiropractic & Functional Medicine • Olympic Decathlete, Swedish National Record Holder & NCAA Div I Record Holder in Decathlon Wellness For Life 3480 Keith Br Rd CummingGA 30041 USA http://www.DrEkberg.com

The Reformed Dissenters


The Reformed Dissenters is a show that offers a faith-based dissenting view on politics and our modern world. We believe that God should be at the center of everything we do and that His principles are greater than all the lofty ideals of man. We want our show to be informative, thought-provoking, and above all; God-centered. As dissenters against popular ideas of government and culture, we want to provide you with the resources you need to do your own research. Ultimately, we want you, the listener, to walk away with new information and new things to study both in the word of God and the principled literature we read on the show every month. Don’t forget to send us an email and subscribe if you like the show!