-DISTRACQION- A conscious entertainment show aimed at trying to help you separate from the evil within, by showing what's good.   Hosted By Steve Stracq, a former metal radio station DJ turned Christian.  Covering News, Conspiracy Theories, Religion, Politics, Culture, and more while dissecting the Spiritual Issues underlying them all.  Featuring segments such as: -DISTRACQION: Weekly wisdom in relation to the content for viewers to be more aware of and use as a spiritual practice in their daily life.  -"Esoteric Wisdom OR MENTAL ILLNESS?": A game focused on determining if something is sound advice/information, or just another figment of the imagination.   -Phone Calls: Viewers can call in at (646) 434-8677  LIVE  every Saturday Night from 8-9 PM EST / 5-6 PM PST on Rumble.com  **Free Counseling Available by phone** (646) 434 -8677



El objetivo de este canal es presentar la verdadera cara de la industria farmacéutica que es uno de los pilares fundamentales del sionismo global para el sometimiento de todos los pueblos del planeta mediante la destrucción de la salud y posterior dependencia de sus productos "medicinales". Esta industria fue el principal tentáculo en la creación y ejecución de la plandemia del covid19. Demostrar como es el fraude mas grande de la historia de nuestra presente civilización, todo con el objetivo de instaurar un gobierno mundial totalitario donde cada uno de los seres humanos será un esclavo listos para ser ofrecido en holocausto de fuego al demiurgo.

Cut out distractions


🚀 Welcome to elevate potential! Subscribe for videos every week Dive into motivational content self-discovery, and purposeful living. We believe in your power to overcome challenges 🌟 Unleashing Your Potential: Our guide provides tools and motivation to navigate life's twists—positive thinking, goal-setting, and overcoming obstacles. 🗣️ Motivational Speeches: Immerse yourself in daily empowering speeches crafted to fuel your passion and conquer dreams. 🎥 Vision for 2024: Get a sneak peek into the future with our #MotivationVideo2024 series, aligning with your aspirations. ✨ Daily Power Quotes: Start each day positively with quotes to elevate spirits and encourage mindfulness. 📚 Study Motivation: #StudyMotivation series offers encouragement and practical tips for academic success. Contact on Email melvin@youtubeelevatepotential585.com LinkedIn : linkedin.com/in/melvin-jones-jr-75213710a Website: https://www.timstorey.com/

destruction means progress


about:blank is a swedish duo from the early 00's engaged in alternative, industrial, ebm, melodic, crosssover weirdo-sounds creations. These are some of those. If you get something out of our strange works, we would be stunned with the feeling of love if you'd buy us a coffee or two! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/aboutblank All our works are freely distributable and usable however you wish, but don't use anything in commercial works without contacting us first please.