Survival Dispatch Verified


THE TRUTH IS A FOOTNOTE, FIND IT HERE Join Survival Dispatch News as we navigate the challenges of Urban Survival through the lens of Christian warriors, equipping you with the skills & mindset needed to thrive in these uncertain times. On Dec 15th, 2023 YouTube disabled the video sync connection to Rumble. None of our survival/prepping videos were synced to our Rumble channel after that point. From July 18th, 2024 forward only our news videos are posted on our Rumble channel. Our survival/prepping videos remain on YouTube at this point in time. On July 24th, 2024 YouTube suspended our news channel for violating their medical misinformation policy by stating 5G towers emit microwave radiation, which is 100% true. No scientist (or person with half a brain) will argue against this fact because 5G frequencies fall in the bands of microwave radiation. This is simply not up for debate. It does however show how evil the Technocrats are at Google and YouTube. It’s also a good example of how they actively suppress the truth on topics that go against their narratives. Thank you for following Survival Dispatch and thank you for supporting our sponsors. When you support our sponsors it allows us to bring you more high quality content.

Stadia Dispatch


Stadia Dispatch, formerly CFSM Media, was created in order bring you a personal perspective on what\'s happening in So-Cal and now Arizona. Currently we are a three man team. We try to report on as many events as possible. Major news networks broadcast short videos for one main reason. Saving room for advertisements. Sadly this means details are left from reports. You deserve to know what is going on around you, that\'s why we purposely show long videos. We\'d like to know what you think and what sort of events you\'d like to see covered. You may contact us through email or directly through YouTube. For more information visit our website below. DISCLAIMER: Our team does this as a hobby and any video we upload is our own perspective on events and does not reflect the views of our individual employers, nor should they be construed as such.

TorahBibleCodes: Equidistant Letter Sequences (ELS) Search Software Research and Development


TorahBibleCodes: Equidistant Letter Sequences (ELS) Search Software Research and Development Our Mission: 1.) To Create and Develop FREE Open-Source Python TorahBibleCodes Search Software that is freely accessible to all. 2.) To Faithfully Implement the Pure Mathematical Algorithms of Professor Rips in Free, Open-Source Python. 3.) To Freely Share Open-Source Research and Data for Shared Research, Discoveries, and Advancements

The Misfit Network


This is the home channel of The Misfit Network! We\'re a group of friends with an amazing love for video games, comic books and nerdium. Although you\'ll probably only see video games on this channel.\nOn this channel, you\'ll find a few series running at the moment, so stick around and see what you like!\n\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n\n=== The Miscast ===\nAn informal pseudo-podcast style let\'s play of games, focused on casual conversation and in depth talks about various video game topics. Featuring MarshallOutlaw and DetectiveNoir, the founding Misfits; this series is meant to act as a non-committal choice for busy gamers and nerds alike!\n\n=== Misfits Misplay ===\nThe more formal let\'s play series, heavily edited and covering multiple games at any given time. Featuring MarshallOutlaw, SpicySoup and friends; this series focuses on the game itself, and is a series tailored to viewers who want to sit back and focus on some fun content, and hopefully get a laugh or two along the way!\n\n=== The Misplay Archives ===\nThis is a infrequent series featuring older content produced, recorded or streamed prior to 2021. This content can feature a wide range Misfits and friends, from as far back as 2015. This content usually contains single audio tracks, and thus the audio is as good as it gets, for better or worse. This series is meant to showcase the journey taken by the Misfits to producing content, by offering a look at a much rougher style of content made over the years. You might even catch an episode of this series featuring clips from MarshallOutlaw\'s streaming career back in 2018/2019!\n\n=== The Mistakes ===\nA highly edited, highly informal series of bloopers, highlights and snippets of cut content from the prior series, as well as never before seen footage from during and out of recording sessions! Featuring any mixture of Misfits or their friends, this series is tailor for all viewers to see the best, and most hilarious content this channel has to offer!\n\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n\nKeep an eye out for any new series, as well as any new announcements!\nYou can keep an eye on what we\'re up to, by going to our website at and keeping an eye on our posts! This is also a good way to see content that doesn\'t make it to this platform! \n--- (Website Currently Under Development) ---\n