Dingo Dinkelman
329 FollowersFrom the cute and cuddly to the big and deadly, this channel is dedicated to the most amazing animals on our planet. Here we encounter rhinos, mambas, crocodiles, sharks, cobras, lions and a whole bunch more. Strap on your safety belt, hit that subscribe button and get ready for a world of adventure... Dingo out!
Diogo Cohea
265 FollowersMy podcast was the first history to be legally blocked by the Australian courts. I'm a Father, Podcaster, and a Lover of Free Speech.
Treading On Serpents
259 FollowersBehold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Radio Derb
206 FollowersThe Rumble home for the legendary dissident podcaster John Derbyshire
The Dodo on rumble is a place for everyone who loves animals and cares about their wellbeing. Our goal is to make caring about animals
202 FollowersThe Dodo on rumble is a place for everyone who loves animals and cares about their wellbeing. Our goal is to make caring about animals a viral cause. We want our fans to fall in love with animals, be entertained while they’re doing it, and feel empowered to help animals in need.
Homesteading Outlaws
154 FollowersSouthern Dingo
131 FollowersI'm here to promote the pro-white agenda, fam
Diogo Sousa
87 Followershere you will find kodi addons and apks
Scamatoriile Iosefinei - Radio Gold FM Romania
76 Followers"Scamatoriile Iosefinei": emisiune de dezvăluiri, analiză și pamflet despre clasa politică, difuzată la Radio Gold FM România. Realizatoare: Iosefina Pascal (jurnalistă de investigații independentă, activistă civic și realizatoare de emisiuni radio-tv și online). Ediții ale emisiunii "Scamatoriile Iosefinei" de la Radio Gold FM Romania, în: - canalul video "Scamatoriile Iosefinei - Radio Gold FM Romania" din Rumble.com: https://rumble.com/c/ScamatoriileIosefineiRadioGoldFMRomania - secțiunea Toate video-urile utilizatorului "Scamatoriile Iosefinei - Radio Gold FM Romania" din Rumble.com: https://rumble.com/user/ScamatoriileIosefineiRadioGoldFMRomania - secțiunea emisiunii "Scamatoriile Iosefinei" din site-ul lui Radio Gold FM România: https://www.RadioGoldFM.ro/shows/lumea-i-cum-este - secțiunea emisiunii "Scamatoriile Iosefinei" din site-ul lui Gold TV România: https://www.GoldTV.ro/categories/scamatoriile-iosefinei Articole scrise de Iosefina Pascal în site-ul lui Solid News: https://SolidNews.ro/?s=Iosefina+Pascal Lista articolelor scrise de Iosefina Pascal în site-ul lui Solid News: Clasamentul listelor la europarlamentare realizat de jurnalista Iosefina Pascal: Locul 1 - A.U.R., locul 2 - coaliția P.S.D.-P.N.L., locul 3 - A.D.U. https://solidnews.ro/clasamentul-listelor-la-europarlamentare-realizat-de-jurnalista-iosefina-pascal-locul-1-aur-locul-2-coalitia-psd-pnl-locul-3-adu Data postării articolului: 05.04.2024. Un nou atentat la siguranta nationala a Romaniei - distrugerea agriculturii prin interzicerea rachetelor antigrindina - "Fermierii" lui Florian Coldea https://solidnews.ro/un-nou-atentat-la-siguranta-nationala-a-romaniei-distrugerea-agriculturii-prin-interzicerea-rachetelor-antigrindina-fermierii-lui-coldea Data postării articolului: 02.04.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 7: Ferma rușilor și legătura cu serviciile rusești, casa conspirativă a lui Coldea și imperiul imobiliar al caprelor mărunte https://solidnews.ro/lacatusii-lui-coldea-ferma-rusilor-si-legatura-cu-serviciile-rusesti-casa-conspirativa-a-lui-coldea-si-imperiul-imobiliar-al-caprelor-marunte Data postării articolului: 27.03.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 6: Mafia rusă, bani la sacoșă, bani în dulap, acte false, achizitii ilegale, biroul secret al lui Coldea https://solidnews.ro/lacatusii-lui-coldea-mafia-rusa-bani-la-sacosa-bani-in-dulap-acte-false-achizitii-ilegale-biroul-secret-al-lui-coldea Data postării articolului: 22.03.2024. Jurnalista Iosefina Pascal demontează toate fake-news-urile „mini-marțienilor” NASA de la Buzău. Documente exclusive ! https://solidnews.ro/jurnalista-iosefina-pascal-demonteaza-toate-fake-news-urile-mini-martienilor-nasa-de-la-buzau-documente-exclusive Data postării articolului: 19.03.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 5: Mercenarii CryptoDATA si propaganda rusească https://solidnews.ro/lacatusii-lui-coldea-partea-a-cincea-mercenarii-cryptodata-si-propaganda-ruseasca Data postării articolului: 11.03.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 4: Câmpul Tactic Digital din educație și infiltrarea instituțiilor https://solidnews.ro/lacatusii-lui-coldea-partea-a-patra-campul-tactic-digital-din-educatie-si-infiltrarea-institutiilor Data postării articolului: 08.03.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 3: Influencerii lui Coldea și banii la sacoșă https://solidnews.ro/lacatusii-lui-coldea-partea-a-treia-influencerii-lui-coldea-si-banii-la-sacosa Data postării articolului: 04.03.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 2: Documente uluitoare despre ferma din Buzău, afaceri cu păcănele, escrocherii internaționale și legăturile cu Rusia https://solidnews.ro/lacatusii-lui-coldea-partea-a-doua-documente-uluitoare-despre-ferma-din-buzau-afaceri-cu-pacanele-escrocherii-internationale-si-legaturile-cu-rusia Data postării articolului: 29.02.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 1: Cea mai mare vulnerabilitate în sistemul de securitate al României https://solidnews.ro/lacatusii-lui-florian-coldea-cea-mai-mare-vulnerabilitate-in-sistemul-de-securitate-al-romaniei Data postării articolului: 26.02.2024. Misterioasa doamnă C., Vama, Florian Coldea... Și cei 39 de achitați ! https://solidnews.ro/misterioasa-doamna-c-vama-coldea-si-cei-39-de-achitati Data postării articolului: 22.02.2024. Ginerele lui Ioan Niculae, partener oficial la Untold Dubai. Tovarăș de masă cu Florian Coldea ! https://solidnews.ro/ginerele-lui-ioan-niculae-partener-oficial-la-untold-dubai-tovaras-de-masa-cu-coldea Data postării articolului: 16.02.2024. Biden, parcat cu raportul medical, ca să-i facă loc lui Michelle Obama. Putin, maestru de ceremonii https://solidnews.ro/iosefina-pascal-biden-parcat-cu-raportul-medical-ca-sa-i-faca-loc-lui-michelle-obama-putin-maestru-de-ceremonii Data postării articolului: 09.02.2024. Iosefina Pascal denunță neonazismul din Germania ! https://solidnews.ro/iosefina-pascal-denunta-neonazismul-din-germania Data postării articolului: 16.10.2023. Cozmin Gușă (jurnalist, analist politic și realizator de emisiuni la Radio Gold FM România) despre Iosefina Pascal: "Iosefina Pascal este - dupa părerea mea - cel mai harnic și mai competent jurnalist din noua generație, specializat în investigație de presă și interpretarea evenimentelor conform adevărului demonstrabil. Ea se alătură prestigioasei echipe de comentatori și analiști de la Gold FM și realizează emisiunea "Scamatoriile Iosefinei" (de luni până joi, de la orele 16), unde comentează precis, dar și cu umor, evenimentele semnificative ale perioadei." Cozmin Gușă despre Radio Gold FM România: "În toate emisiunile de la Radio Gold FM România este analizată critic realitatea politică, economică și socială, opiniile exprimate de invitați, în mod liber și potrivit convingerilor lor, fiind adesea de natură a corecta informațiile false sau tendențios interpretate de alți operatori din mass-media."
Retrosheep | AudioDev Live Music & Gaming Wales UK All Genre
73 FollowersBEST RALLY GAME EVER ! RICHARD BURNS RALLY ON THE PS2 | CARX STREET RACING | GTA 5 ZOMBIE MOD | TOKYO XTREME RACER ZERO | TWO | THREE | DRIFT | FABLE 3 - XBOX 360 | MAD MAX | RACHET & CLANK PS3 | | MOBILE GAMING FRIENDS V FRIENDS Retro Gaming with AUDIODEV - FOLLOW AUDIODEV - https://rumble.com/user/AUDIODEV 🔗 Connect with Artist ,DJ & Producer @Retrosheep 🐦 Twitter: @retrosheeps 💻 Vist My Website:https://retrosheep.com For Merch | Music | 3D Printing | Engraving DIY and Retro Gaming 🎉 Join the Fun! Exclusive Prize Draw Alert! 🎉 Are you ready to win a piece of nostalgia? This month, we’re offering an exclusive Limited Edition Retrosheep Engraved Keyring! 📢 How to Enter: Follow our page Comment below Click the Link to enter the draw 👉 Don't miss out on this unique collectible! Enter now and bring home a piece of RetroSheep magic! Good luck, everyone! 🍀 #PrizeDraw #RetroSheep #LimitedEdition https://retrosheep.com/rumbleprizedraw #Wales SUBSCRIBE ! LIKE ! COMMENT ! Thanks for watching! 📺👀 #teleradio #retrosheepmusic #retrosheepradio 📺👀 🎶 Exciting News! Join Our Channel Memberships! 🎶 🎉 Hey music lovers! We’re thrilled to announce our Rumble channel, @retrosheep, 🎊 🔗 Join: @Retrosheep Enjoy the music magic! 🎵 🎵 Live Drive Sessions | DJ @Retrosheep | DJ @Audio-Dev 🎵 🔥 Get ready for an electrifying musical journey! Join DJ @Retrosheep as we dive into a fusion of genres that’ll make your speakers bounce and your feet move. 🎧🕺 🌟 What to Expect: *Electro Hip Hop Vibes: Groove to infectious beats, slick rhymes, and head-nodding rhythms. We’re bringing the streets alive with urban vibes! *Trance Magic: Lose yourself in euphoric melodies, uplifting synths, and hypnotic basslines. Trance lovers, this is your sanctuary. *Phonk Heat: Dark, gritty, and unapologetic. Phonk takes center stage, infusing the mix with raw energy. *Latin Flavor: Salsa, reggaeton, and cumbia collide! Let the Latin rhythms transport you to sun-soaked dancefloors. *Rock Anthems: Crank up the volume as we unleash classic rock hits. Air guitar solos encouraged! *Indie Gems: Discover hidden treasures from indie artists. Quirky, soulful, and full of surprises. *Hindi Multilingual Tracks: Bollywood beats meet contemporary sounds. From soulful ballads to high-energy dance tracks, we’ve got it all. *Trapanese Fusion: A blend of trap and Japanese influences. Expect trap beats with an Eastern twist. *Drill Energy: Raw, gritty, and street-oriented. Drill music will have you nodding your head. *Funk Grooves: Get down to funky basslines, brass sections, and soulful vocals. *Blues Soul: Channel your emotions with soulful blues guitar licks and heartfelt lyrics. *Chillout Vibes: Wind down with ambient tunes, perfect for relaxation and contemplation. *EDM Bangers: High-energy electronic dance music to keep the party going. House Beats: Four-to-the-floor rhythms, pulsating bass, and infectious hooks. Grunge Nostalgia: Dive into the '90s with grunge rock anthems. Flannel shirts optional. 🎙️ Live Chat Interaction: Shoutouts, requests, and virtual high-fives! We’re all about connecting with YOU. 🙌 Drop your favorite emojis in the chat to show your vibe! 🎉 📅 When: Every Day 🔗 Connect with Artist ,DJ & Producer @Retrosheep 🐦 Twitter: @retrosheeps 💻 Website: Retrosheep.com Let’s create memories together. Buckle up, because the Live Drive Sessions are about to take off! 🚀🔊 #LiveDriveSessions #ElectroHipHop #TranceMagic #LatinGrooves 🔔 Subscribe and hit the notification bell to catch the live stream and never miss a beat! 🎶 All Music Genres: Synthwave / Indie Pop / Phonk / Drum and Bass / Hardcore / Jungle / House / Trance / Garage / Indie Rock / Drill / Trapanese / Chill Synth / Dance / Rock / Blues / and Much More ! All music created by @retrosheep. If you’d like to use our music, please contact me using the links below. Thanks for watching!” https://retrosheep.com/retrosheep-music Retrosheep 🎵 Retrosheep, the musical alter ego of the enigmatic artist, weaves nostalgia and modern beats into a captivating sonic tapestry. With influences ranging from '80s synthwave to contemporary indie pop, Retrosheep creates a unique blend of dreamy melodies, pulsating rhythms, and introspective lyrics. https://retrosheep.com/retrosheep-music Retrosheep 🎵 Retrosheep, the musical alter ego of the enigmatic artist, weaves nostalgia and modern beats into a captivating sonic tapestry. With influences ranging from '80s synthwave to contemporary indie pop, Retrosheep creates a unique blend of dreamy melodies, pulsating rhythms, and introspective lyrics. Fun Facts: Retrosheep’s studio is adorned with retro posters, lava lamps, and a Commodore 64. They once sampled the sound of an old floppy disk drive for a track. Retrosheep’s dream collaboration? Daft Punk meets New Order. Connect with Retrosheep: 🎶 All Music created by @ RETROSHEEP and @AUDIO-DEV 's Midnight Mixtape Garage! 🚗
Geodiode - Exploring Our World Through Video
72 FollowersExploring our planet's climate zones, biomes and nation states with beautiful high quality documentaries including the latest in timelapse and drone technology.
67 FollowersSouthernDingo
59 FollowersDefending Our Children
59 FollowersVeterans For Child Rescue's mission is to expose and eradicate the corrupt, underground criminal enterprise of child trafficking in the USA. By bringing awareness to the masses, more people can be empowered with knowledge and resources to safeguard children as well as identify and report child abuse and trafficking. This weekly radio show segues V4CR's hit documentary: CONTRALAND. V4CR founder, Craig "Sawman" Sawyer and Executive Director, Forrest Sealey invite special guests to discuss the various aspects of prevention, education, our justice system, politics and government, as well as what V4CR is doing to combat and end child trafficking. We are trending at 1.2 million streams monthly, and between 2 million to 4.5 million terrestrial listeners.
52 FollowersFindingOurWay
36 Followers#DIOGORUFATI
Reading the Bible and Singing Praise Songs
34 FollowersPlease consider joining us as we dedicate time to read aloud God's Holy Word and sing hymns and spiritual songs together. Each week we read selections from the Psalms, Old and New Testaments. We are a husband and wife home ministry desiring to Glorify the One True Living God. We believe the Holy Scriptures are God's Word and are sufficient for teaching us about His nature and our nature and His covenants with His people Israel and how we fit into His Covenants. We hope you consider joining us. In Christ, Todd and Kathy Moorman
33 Followersdodonis
32 FollowersWhat you didn't see today
31 FollowersJoin Jackie Tomlin and Patty Cameron for political topics, discussions, research and opinions. Are you woke? What didn't you see today? Join our blog for videos, links, photos and much more! http://www.whatyoudidntseetoday.com
The Dodo
29 FollowersThe Dodo on YouTube is a place for everyone who loves animals and cares about their wellbeing. Our goal is to make caring about animals a viral cause. We want our fans to fall in love with animals, be entertained while they’re doing it, and feel empowered to help animals in need.
The dodo
29 FollowersWelcome to The Doggo Channel! CHANGING THE WORLD! We will upload the stories of animals rescued and we do hope all the videos would be the best of inspiration,motivation stories to people around the world to pay more attention to save animals from being stray, homeless,neglected, abused or from difficult condition to give them better life and love.
29 Followersgwizddodomaw
27 FollowersBrutusMandingo
26 FollowersRadioDeepLife
23 FollowersThe Update You Didn't Ask For
21 FollowersNews, Politics, Levity!
21 FollowersBlackDingo
19 FollowersRetro Gamers Retrosheep & AudioDev Gaming & Music Channel
19 FollowersRetroGamers Retrosheep AudioDev Gaming & Music Channel BEST RALLY GAME EVER ! RICHARD BURNS RALLY ON THE PS2 | CARX STREET RACING | GTA 5 ZOMBIE MOD | TOKYO XTREME RACER ZERO | TWO | THREE | DRIFT | FABLE 3 - XBOX 360 | MAD MAX | RACHET & CLANK PS3 | | MOBILE GAMING FRIENDS V FRIENDS Retro Gaming with AUDIODEV - FOLLOW AUDIODEV - https://rumble.com/user/AUDIODEV 🔗 Connect with Artist ,DJ & Producer @Retrosheep 🐦 Twitter: @retrosheeps 💻 Vist My Website:https://retrosheep.com For Merch | Music | 3D Printing | Engraving DIY and Retro Gaming 🎉 Join the Fun! Exclusive Prize Draw Alert! 🎉 Are you ready to win a piece of nostalgia? This month, we’re offering an exclusive Limited Edition Retrosheep Engraved Keyring! 📢 How to Enter: Follow our page Comment below Click the Link to enter the draw 👉 Don't miss out on this unique collectible! Enter now and bring home a piece of RetroSheep magic! Good luck, everyone! 🍀 #PrizeDraw #RetroSheep #LimitedEdition https://retrosheep.com/rumbleprizedraw #Wales SUBSCRIBE ! LIKE ! COMMENT ! Thanks for watching! 📺👀 #teleradio #retrosheepmusic #retrosheepradio 📺👀 🎶 Exciting News! Join Our Channel Memberships! 🎶 🎉 Hey music lovers! We’re thrilled to announce our Rumble channel, @retrosheep, 🎊 🔗 Join: @Retrosheep Enjoy the music magic! 🎵 🎵 Live Drive Sessions | DJ @Retrosheep | DJ @Audio-Dev 🎵 🔥 Get ready for an electrifying musical journey! Join DJ @Retrosheep as we dive into a fusion of genres that’ll make your speakers bounce and your feet move. 🎧🕺 🌟 What to Expect: *Electro Hip Hop Vibes: Groove to infectious beats, slick rhymes, and head-nodding rhythms. We’re bringing the streets alive with urban vibes! *Trance Magic: Lose yourself in euphoric melodies, uplifting synths, and hypnotic basslines. Trance lovers, this is your sanctuary. *Phonk Heat: Dark, gritty, and unapologetic. Phonk takes center stage, infusing the mix with raw energy. *Latin Flavor: Salsa, reggaeton, and cumbia collide! Let the Latin rhythms transport you to sun-soaked dancefloors. *Rock Anthems: Crank up the volume as we unleash classic rock hits. Air guitar solos encouraged! *Indie Gems: Discover hidden treasures from indie artists. Quirky, soulful, and full of surprises. *Hindi Multilingual Tracks: Bollywood beats meet contemporary sounds. From soulful ballads to high-energy dance tracks, we’ve got it all. *Trapanese Fusion: A blend of trap and Japanese influences. Expect trap beats with an Eastern twist. *Drill Energy: Raw, gritty, and street-oriented. Drill music will have you nodding your head. *Funk Grooves: Get down to funky basslines, brass sections, and soulful vocals. *Blues Soul: Channel your emotions with soulful blues guitar licks and heartfelt lyrics. *Chillout Vibes: Wind down with ambient tunes, perfect for relaxation and contemplation. *EDM Bangers: High-energy electronic dance music to keep the party going. House Beats: Four-to-the-floor rhythms, pulsating bass, and infectious hooks. Grunge Nostalgia: Dive into the '90s with grunge rock anthems. Flannel shirts optional. 🎙️ Live Chat Interaction: Shoutouts, requests, and virtual high-fives! We’re all about connecting with YOU. 🙌 Drop your favorite emojis in the chat to show your vibe! 🎉 📅 When: Every Day 🔗 Connect with Artist ,DJ & Producer @Retrosheep 🐦 Twitter: @retrosheeps 💻 Website: Retrosheep.com Let’s create memories together. Buckle up, because the Live Drive Sessions are about to take off! 🚀🔊 #LiveDriveSessions #ElectroHipHop #TranceMagic #LatinGrooves 🔔 Subscribe and hit the notification bell to catch the live stream and never miss a beat! 🎶 All Music Genres: Synthwave / Indie Pop / Phonk / Drum and Bass / Hardcore / Jungle / House / Trance / Garage / Indie Rock / Drill / Trapanese / Chill Synth / Dance / Rock / Blues / and Much More ! All music created by @retrosheep. If you’d like to use our music, please contact me using the links below. Thanks for watching!” https://retrosheep.com/retrosheep-music Retrosheep 🎵 Retrosheep, the musical alter ego of the enigmatic artist, weaves nostalgia and modern beats into a captivating sonic tapestry. With influences ranging from '80s synthwave to contemporary indie pop, Retrosheep creates a unique blend of dreamy melodies, pulsating rhythms, and introspective lyrics. https://retrosheep.com/retrosheep-music Retrosheep 🎵 Retrosheep, the musical alter ego of the enigmatic artist, weaves nostalgia and modern beats into a captivating sonic tapestry. With influences ranging from '80s synthwave to contemporary indie pop, Retrosheep creates a unique blend of dreamy melodies, pulsating rhythms, and introspective lyrics. Fun Facts: Retrosheep’s studio is adorned with retro posters, lava lamps, and a Commodore 64. They once sampled the sound of an old floppy disk drive for a track. Retrosheep’s dream collaboration? Daft Punk meets New Order. Connect with Retrosheep: 🎶 All Music created by @ RETROSHEEP and @AUDIO-DEV 's Midnight Mixtape Garage! 🚗
Planted In God
19 FollowersA family vlog dedicated to the teaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Check us out at https://www.plantedingod.com
Stever's Various Stuff On Rumble
19 FollowersThis is a channel full of the various shows and tinkerings of #stevecutlerlive_ & #stevecutlerlive
17 FollowersRetiredwdidn
15 FollowersOLegadoDosFilosofos
15 FollowersRADIO GOLD
14 Followersthe best of classic radio programs
14 FollowersLet's GOOOO!!!! Follow My Kick: rtmps://fa723fc1b171.global-contribute.live-video.net