Decimal Z


Hi everyone, This channel was made for those who like to think outside the box or to those who have critical brains and they like to analyse everything they have been taught. The goal is NEVER to convince anyone with anything. It is NOT made to mislead people. I encourage EVERYONE to check the information I give and to look it up and analyse it as much as they can, and make their own conclusion. I don\\\'t wanna take the responsibility of anything. I am only a human and I can make mistakes. And what I present here is just my opinion and my own studies. If you like what I do, please subscribe and share the videos with your friends to support the channel. Thank you DΣCIMAL Z

AllatRa TV Denmark


ALLATRA TV er et internationalt frivilligt internet-tv fra den internationale sociale bevægelse "ALLATRA", som deltager folk fra forskellige lande i verden. Spændende historier om at lære sig selv at kende, ærlige dialoger om de vigtigste ting for folk, gode nyheder, usædvanlige interviews, uddannelsesprogrammer, gratis videoredigeringskurser osv. Dette og meget mere på en informativ, konstant forbedring, kreativ, venlig landsdækkende kanal ALLATRA TV. Hvis du har et ønske om uselvisk at anvende dine kunnen og viden til gavn for den åndelige og moralske udvikling af samfundet, at erhverve nye erfaringer inden for forskellige kreative områder og at gøre godt i et venligt team af ligesindede, er vi glade for at invitere dig til at deltage i projekter ALLATRA TV, sammen lære, udvikle og skabe i et fælles kreativt arbejde! Vores hovedadresse:

Denmark's Freedom Council


Visit for interesting articles about a lot of topics from a politically incorrect and nationalist perspective. From Russia with love A collection of articles for Westerners who broke free from the matrix. Russia and us Danish writer Povl H. Riis-Knudsen talked about himself in an interview with a Russian TV channel Report from Russia and a visit to the frontline