Awakening World - Truth & Secrets Revealed


GreatAwakening.World - Conspiracies/Globalists/Deep-State/Plandemic Secrets It's Time For Everyone To Wake Up! The Globalists Deep-State & Plandemic Secrets You Need To Know ASAP. Visit And Share: Let's Make The Truth Go VIRAL! Tons Of Real News And Content About The Reality On Our World! Join Our Community And Share To The World: Telegram: @greatawakeningworld Rumble: Bitchute: Odysee: cabal, cabal deep state, deep state, illuminati, cult, secret society, who runs the world, runs the world, world leader, donald trump, cabal vs donald trump, fall of cabal, fall of deep state, fall of illuminati, illuminati truth, illuminati cult deep state scam, cabal scam who, world health organization, bill Gates WHO, WHO scam, world health organization scam, bill gates scam, who fraud, world health organization fraud, cabal who, cabal, deep state, who deep state, who truth, world health organization truth, who trump, world health organization trump Coronavirus,Infodemic,misinformation,coronavirus fake news,coronavirus outbreak,coronavirus latest news,coronavirus pandemic,coronavirus uk,bbc news,bbc latest,bbc newsnight,coronavirus what is it,coronavirus bbc,coronavirus explained,coronavirus disinformation fake news,virus,china virus,coronavirus conspiracy,coronavirus news,coronavirus,coronavirus fack check,coronavirus garlic,pandemic,coronavirus conspiracy



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GOD [5D+1] Decent-Divergent-Dauntless-Dynamic-Discerner+Dominion {FE}


ALMIGHTY GOD-HaShem-Allah-Most High--Always 1st! Info From Hitler aka the Saint (Prove Me Wrong), to Realizing Flat Earth, & Most Importantly Saving the Children. Please Always Keep An Open Dynamic Mind and Discern (Gather All Info & Decipher what is True; Fact; Real; Logical; etc..). I personally don't always agree with every videos content, but I do try to Post only Videos that have Some Good Elements to Add to My & Your Knowledge. Stay Good and Positive (although it is difficult in the current world). Look Beyond this world to the Coming Good Godly Appreciative Peaceful Domed Earth. If you would like to show your Love and Appreciation for my channel: DEUTERONOMY 4:1 Foundations of the Faith Now, Israel, listen to the rules and laws that I am teaching you to do, so that you will remain alive and come to occupy the land that God, Lord of your fathers, is giving you. 10/09/2004 Page 395 of 472 4:2 Do not add to the word that I am commanding you, and do not subtract from it. You must keep all the commandments of God your Lord, which I am instructing you. 4:3 You have seen with your own eyes what God did at the Baal Peor episode. God your Lord annihilated every person among you who followed Baal Peor. 4:4 Only you, the ones who remained attached to God your Lord, are all alive today. 4:5 See ! I have taught you rules and laws as God my Lord has commanded me, so [that you] will be able to keep them in the land to which you are coming and which you will be occupying. 4:6 Safeguard and keep [these rules], since this is your wisdom and understanding in the eyes of the nations. They will hear all these rules and say, 'This great nation is certainly a wise and understanding people.' 4:7 What nation is so great that they have God close to it, as God our Lord is, whenever we call Him? 4:8 What nation is so great that they have such righteous rules and laws, like this entire Torah that I am presenting before you today? 4:9 Only take heed and watch yourself very carefully, so that you do not forget the things that your eyes saw. Do not let [this memory] leave your hearts, all the days of your lives. Teach your children and children's children about 4:10 the day you stood before God your Lord at Horeb. It was then that God said to me, 'Congregate the people for Me, and I will let them hear My words. This will teach them to be in awe of Me as long as they live on earth, and they will also teach their children.' 4:11 You approached and stood at the foot of the mountain. The mountain was burning with a fire reaching the heart of heaven, with darkness, cloud and mist. 4:12 Then God spoke to you out of the fire. You heard the sound of words, but saw no image; there was only a voice. 4:13 He announced to you His covenant, instructing you to keep the Ten Commandments (Literally, 'Ten Words' or 'Ten Statements'), and He wrote them on two stone tablets. 4:14 At that time, God commanded me to teach you rules and laws, so that you will keep them in the land which you are crossing [the Jordan] to occupy. 4:15 Watch yourselves very carefully, since you did not see any image on the day that God spoke to you out of the fire at Horeb. 4:16 You shall therefore not become corrupt and make a statue depicting any symbol. [Do not make] any male or female image, 4:17 or the image of any animal on earth, any winged creature that flies in the sky, 4:18 any lower form of land animal, or any animal that lives in the water below the earth. 4:19 When you raise your eyes to the sky, and see the sun, moon, stars and other heavenly bodies, do not bow down to them or worship them. It was to all the [other] nations under the heavens that God made them a portion. 4:20 But you, God Himself took, and He brought you out of the iron crucible that was Egypt, so that you would be His heritage nation, as you are today. 4:21 God displayed anger at me because of your words, and He swore that I would not cross the Jordan, and that I would not come to the good land that God your Lord is giving you as a heritage. 4:22 I will die in this land and will not cross the Jordan, while you will be the ones to cross and occupy the good land. 4:23 Be careful that you not forget the covenant that God your Lord made with you. [Do not] make for yourself any statue image that is forbidden by God. 4:24 God your Lord is [like] a consuming fire, a God demanding exclusive allegiance. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXODUS - Ten Commandments \ GOD Demands Exclusive Worship: 20:1 The First Two Commandments God spoke all these words, saying: 20:2 I am God your Lord, who brought you out of Egypt, from the place of slavery. 20:3 Do not have any other gods before Me. 20:4 Do not represent [such] gods by any carved statue or picture of anything in the heaven above, on the earth below, or in the water below the land. 20:5 Do not bow down to [such gods] or worship them. I am God your Lord, a God who DEMANDS EXCLUSIVE WORSHIP. Where My enemies are concerned, I keep in mind the sin of the fathers for [their] descendants, to the third and fourth [generation]. 20:6 But for those who love Me and keep My commandments, I show love for thousands [of generations]. The Third Commandment 20:7 Do not take the name of God your Lord in vain. God will not allow the one who takes His name in vain to go unpunished. (Forbids False and Trivial Oaths & misuse of God's Name) The Fourth Commandment 20:8 Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy. 20:9 You can work during the six weekdays and do all your tasks. 20:10 But Saturday is the Sabbath to God your Lord. Do not do anything that constitutes work. [This includes] you, your son, your daughter, your slave, your maid, your animal, and the foreigner (Gentiles) in your gates. 20:11 It was during the six weekdays that God made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on Saturday. God therefore blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. The Fifth Commandment 20:12 Honor your father and mother. You will then live long on the land that God your Lord is giving you. The Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Commandments 20:13 Do not commit murder. Do not commit adultery. (Cheating) Do not steal. (Actually, means Kidnapping in Hebrew & Forbids All Sorts of Dishonesty) Do not testify as a false witness against your neighbor. The Tenth Commandment (Envy) (A feeling of discontent and resentment aroused by and in conjunction with desire for the possessions or qualities of another) 20:14 Do not be envious of your neighbor's house. Do not be envious of your neighbor's wife, his slave, his maid, his ox, his donkey, or anything else that is your neighbor's. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXODUS – About the Satanists & GOD Demands Exclusive Worship 34:11 Be very careful with regard to what I am instructing you today. I will drive the Amorites, Canaanites, Hivites, Perizzites, Hittites and Yebusites out before you. [The Above Families are the FAKE ASHKENAZI SATANIST KHAZARIAN JEWS of Today] 34:12 Be most careful not to make a treaty with the people who live in the land where you are coming, since they can be a fatal trap to you. 34:13 You must shatter their altars, break down their sacred pillars, and cut down their Asherah trees. 34:14 Do not bow down to any other god, for God is known as one who demands exclusive worship, and He does indeed demand it. 34:15 [Be careful] that you not make a treaty with [the people] who live in the land. When they practice their religion and sacrifice to their gods, they will invite you, and you will end up eating their sacrifice. 34:16 You will then allow their daughters to marry your sons, and when their daughters worship their gods, they will lead your sons to follow their religion. 34:17 Do not make any cast metal idols.

The Fall of the Cabal & All Sequels


Blinding Research by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter Exposing the TRUTH about the Evil Elites that Control our World. Their Secret Combinations will be Secret No More …. This playlist has the first 10 videos WITH all the sequels. The first number is each video (in this playlist) in order as they were released. Thus, “The Fall of the Cabal & All Sequels”. With the passing of Janet, I am not sure if there will be a Part 29 for the Sequels. Cyntha said with Janet gone the Fall of the Cabal Sequels may take on a different form. Maybe in articles rather than videos.

Secret Tarot


Hello! Welcome to my channel! I provide tarot readings for each sign of the zodiac. I hope you enjoy them. Thank you so much for your support. I appreciated it. Much love and may God bless each and every one of you ❤ Check out my new relaxation channel "Sweet Soft Sounds" I DO NOT OFFER PRIVATE READINGS. Disclaimer: Tarot readings are for entertainment purposes only and should NEVER take the place of psychological, medical, legal, or financial professional services. Secret Tarot accepts no liability or responsibility for any action a client chooses to take.

The Arrivals - How Secret Societies Control Our Lives


THIS IS A MUST WATCH SERIES FOR EVERY MAN & WOMAN LIVING ON EARTH; NO MATTER WHAT’S HIS/HER RELIGION OR RACE IS! THE MAIN AIM OF THIS SERIES IS TO OPEN YOUR EYES, UNPLUG YOUR MINDS AND GIVE YOU BACK YOUR TRUE LIFE FULL OF FREEDOM…. The Arrivals is a series of short videos that are aimed to show us all the religious signs that prove the foundation of all requirements for the existence of the Anti-Christ, Al Mahdi and the second coming of the Christ. Each episode proves a point. The series concentrates on the ‘secret societies’ impacts on our lives and how our souls are completely hypnotized by them. It also concentrates on common religious grounds between Muslims, Christians and Jews. The series goes to the olden times of Jesus Christ and pharaohs. The movie takes the help from the Holy Quran, the Bible and the Torah. Each claim is well supported by documented facts that are well explained in the series. The series also brings many conspiracy theories to light which are prevalent these days. It analyses the advent of the new world order and the motives of the group that want it to be put into practice. The series doesn’t only address the Muslims but it is an invitation to truth to all humankind. The series is not to propagate the Muslim point of view about things rather it supports its claims from the holy books shared by the Jews and the Christians. The Arrivals just does that thing by using a style that’s welcoming and eye-opening for the truth seekers. Fair Use Notice: Use the information found in the videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before coming to your own conclusions.

Secret America


🎙️ Prepare to embark on a thrilling journey into the enigmatic realm of Secret America! 🇺🇸🗝️ Hosted by the daring duo known as Jack Danger @AmericazOutlaw and James Clary @Clarypodcast, this sensational show promises to delve deep into the hidden corners of America's untold stories and clandestine secrets. 🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️ With a knack for uncovering the truth and a penchant for adventure, our hosts are ready to expose the mysterious underbelly of the land of the free and the home of the brave. From government conspiracies to urban legends, from secret societies to mysterious deaths, no stone will be left unturned in their quest for the truth. 📻🌍 Tune in to Secret America and join our hosts as they navigate the treacherous waters of classified information, shedding light on the dark secrets that have been lurking in the shadows for far too long. With a blend of humor, wit, and a healthy dose of skepticism, Secret America is your one-stop-shop for all things clandestine in the good ol' US of A. 🎧✨ So what are you waiting for? Buckle up for a wild ride through the secret side of America! New episodes drop weekly, so be sure to subscribe and follow @AmericazOutlaw and @Clarypodcast for the latest updates and behind-the-scenes shenanigans.

Decree For Canada with Howard Olsen


Join Us Daily As We Rise Up, Exercise Our Authority, Push Back Darkness and Reclaim Our Dominion of Canada and Republic of America. ‌‌We’re Live Monday - Friday 7:50 - 8:15 AM PST Howard Olsen - An Apostolic Marketplace Leader - a culture shifter who transforms business results and personal lives by harnessing biblical truths and applying them with relevance to our daily lives. Howard Olsen, a leading sales and communications strategist and highly sought-after conference speaker, now adds the offices of Pastor, Apostle and Kingdom Reformer to the list of titles people use to describe him. Join Him For A Daily Decree and Teaching To Rise In Authority.

Unspoken Secrets


"Unspoken Secrets" refers to hidden truths or concealed knowledge that are deliberately left unsaid or remain unacknowledged. These secrets exist beneath the surface, known to some but never openly discussed, often due to fear, taboo, or the potential consequences of revealing them. They can involve personal, societal, or even cosmic mysteries, guarded by silence to maintain power, protect individuals, or preserve the status quo. The concept suggests that these truths hold significant weight, and though they remain unspoken, their presence can be felt, subtly influencing actions, relationships, or events.

ElizabethWallace, former deepstate monarch / secret army / MKultra


I am Survivor deep state Monarch enslavement / MK -Ultra/ military. *my created front life name was Monique: after my healing went back to my true original name Elizabeth / Liz. Dedicated to transforming shadows into the light, truth, love, world peace, uncovering the shadow world. I make mandalas to heal and transform. For a righteous, harmonious, free humanity's future & for the earth. all my social media: