Creation Liberty Evangelism


In 2009, Christopher Johnson founded Creation Liberty Evangelism from a God-given calling to teach the truth of His Word. Today, has become a reliable source of information for continued study in the Word of God, bringing the message of repentance and remission of sins (Luke 24:47) through the blood of Christ (Col 1:14) to the perishing people of this world (2Pe 3:9), while exposing the unfruitful works of darkness (Eph 5:11) to warn the brethren of danger. (Acts 20:31) We encourage viewers to take advantage of our wide variety of videos, articles, and materials made available for free on topics of the Bible, history, science, and much more.

Quest for Liberty - The Podcast


BJ Soper and Phillip Tomlin hold discussion about life, liberty and the preservation of our American way of life. There is video to accompany the podcast when you listen/view it on Spotify. Topics include the original intent of the US Constitution, politics, current events, patriotism, and anything related to the fight for our Constitutional Republic. This podcast will educational, informative, and humorous while also providing actionable steps to get engaged. The goal is to help educate, organize, and activate listeners in the ideological battle for our country.