Tales From A Consumer Verified


Tales From A Consumer," the groundbreaking reality TV podcast hosted by Ya Girl Renae. Join us as guests take the mic to spill the beans on their triumphs and tribulations with products, brands, businesses, organizations, and even people! From the highs of satisfaction to the lows of disappointment, every story is fair game. Tune in for a raw and riveting exploration of the consumer experience like never before. Disclaimer: "All statements made by guests and the host are based on personal opinions and should not be considered as factual information. Everything mentioned is speculative and should be treated as alleged or hearsay."

Wood, Metal, Everything


I DIY because I have found the results to be better, less expensive and more satisfying. \n\nWe all cringe when we need to pull out our wallets to pay for work, and it breaks our heart when the work is not quite up to par. \n\nIf that has been your experience, like mine, Subscribe and realize that if I can do it, you can too! \n\nDIYTyler \nPO Box 293 \nArmada, MI 48005 \n\nDisclaimer: I\\\'m not an expert so don\\\'t do what I do, all content is shown for the sole purpose of entertainment and is not intended for educational purposes in any format. Anyone choosing of their own free will to reenact or recreate any of this content assumes all personal liability and or responsibility by doing so. Woodworking especially with power tools is very dangerous and can result in serious bodily harm or even death, therefore proper education and training is advised.

Organic Consumers Association Verified


OCA educates and advocates on behalf of organic consumers, engages consumers in marketplace pressure campaigns, and works to advance sound food and farming policy through grassroots lobbying. We address crucial issues around food safety, industrial agriculture, genetic engineering, health freedom, children's health, corporate accountability, Fair Trade, environmental sustainability, including pesticide use, and other food- and agriculture-related topics.