Debunked Verified


Debunked investigates the world's biggest myths, the misconceptions that so many people still think are facts, the 'What Ifs', 'What Happens When' as well as those niggling problems that may cause some people to stay awake at night ("Have I had too much sugar and caffeine?", "Is it safe to fly?", "What actually happens if throw a penny of the Empire State Building?"). About us: We're a very small team and due to the time and effort that go into our videos we can only make one a month, but we'd love to make more great videos for you to watch, as such we've set up a Patreon page where you can support us and essentially become part of the production team! Patreon: Thanks for your interest and support, Stu and the Debunked Team

Banking With Life


James Neathery specializes in providing strategic financial advice based on decades of research and experience in the fields of finance and economics. James is a disciple and student of R. Nelson Nash, the creator of the Infinite Banking Concept™. He is also a student of the Austrian school of economics. James holds several designations, maintains multiple affiliations and is active in the financial services industry. He has been in the life insurance industry for more than 24 years, has been educating clients and personally practicing the Infinite Banking Concept™ for nearly a decade. James C. Neathery & Associates, Inc. has provided sound, successful advice to thousands of clients. Over the years he has helped them protect millions of dollars in wealth and assets through several boom and bust cycles in the U.S. economy.