Creative Society Verified


The international project "Creative Society" was initiated by people around the world. Consumerism dominates in today’s society, and we all see that it has played itself out, which is leading humankind into a dead-end. On May 11, 2019, at the global online conference “SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE”, people raised this issue and expressed a common opinion that building a new creative society is a vital necessity. The unique format of the conference inspired people to take action because they were able to express their sincere opinion and take responsibility for their own lives and our common future. At this stage, we set out the goal of finding out from people around the world whether they want to live in the Creative Society as well as of informing the public about this possibility. Here you will find videos produced by people from more than 180 countries around the world. Join this initiative and visit website

Созидательное общество


«Созидательное Общество» — это проект всего человечества. Главная цель этого проекта: ПОСТРОИТЬ В МАСШТАБАХ ВСЕГО МИРА СОЗИДАТЕЛЬНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО, в котором Жизнь Человека является наивысшей ценностью. Сегодня у нас есть возможность в кратчайшие сроки, мирным путём вывести нашу цивилизацию на новую ступень эволюционного развития. Давайте вместе создавать Будущее, которого достойно человечество! Всю информацию о проекте «Созидательное Общество» можно найти на сайте: Связаться с нами:

Creation Liberty Evangelism


In 2009, Christopher Johnson founded Creation Liberty Evangelism from a God-given calling to teach the truth of His Word. Today, has become a reliable source of information for continued study in the Word of God, bringing the message of repentance and remission of sins (Luke 24:47) through the blood of Christ (Col 1:14) to the perishing people of this world (2Pe 3:9), while exposing the unfruitful works of darkness (Eph 5:11) to warn the brethren of danger. (Acts 20:31) We encourage viewers to take advantage of our wide variety of videos, articles, and materials made available for free on topics of the Bible, history, science, and much more.

Creative Society for the whole world


The international project "Creative Society" was initiated by people around the world. Consumerism dominates in today’s society, and we all see that it has played itself out, which is leading humankind into a dead-end. On May 11, 2019, at the global online conference “SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE”, people raised this issue and expressed a common opinion that building a new creative society is a vital necessity. The unique format of the conference inspired people to take action because they were able to express their sincere opinion and take responsibility for their own lives and our common future. At this stage, we set out the goal of finding out from people around the world whether they want to live in the Creative Society as well as of informing the public about this possibility. Here you will find videos produced by people from more than 180 countries around the world. Join this initiative and visit website