Art & Creativity
10,444 FollowersCreative Society
7,081 FollowersThe international project "Creative Society" was initiated by people around the world. Consumerism dominates in today’s society, and we all see that it has played itself out, which is leading humankind into a dead-end. On May 11, 2019, at the global online conference “SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE”, people raised this issue and expressed a common opinion that building a new creative society is a vital necessity. The unique format of the conference inspired people to take action because they were able to express their sincere opinion and take responsibility for their own lives and our common future. At this stage, we set out the goal of finding out from people around the world whether they want to live in the Creative Society as well as of informing the public about this possibility. Here you will find videos produced by people from more than 180 countries around the world. Join this initiative and visit website
4,740 FollowersСозидательное общество
899 Followers«Созидательное Общество» — это проект всего человечества. Главная цель этого проекта: ПОСТРОИТЬ В МАСШТАБАХ ВСЕГО МИРА СОЗИДАТЕЛЬНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО, в котором Жизнь Человека является наивысшей ценностью. Сегодня у нас есть возможность в кратчайшие сроки, мирным путём вывести нашу цивилизацию на новую ступень эволюционного развития. Давайте вместе создавать Будущее, которого достойно человечество! Всю информацию о проекте «Созидательное Общество» можно найти на сайте: Связаться с нами:
Sociedad Creativa
729 FollowersCada persona quiere ser feliz. ¿Pero podemos llamar feliz a nuestra sociedad? A cada uno de nosotros seguramente le gustaría vivir en un mundo donde él, su familia y toda la gente sea realmente feliz. ¿Pero cómo vemos el mundo hoy en día?
443 FollowersCreativelyInspiredByDenise
321 FollowersMissycreatively
232 FollowersCreative and Entertaintment
204 FollowersWelcome to a vibrant world of entertainment where laughter, excitement, and creativity collide! Join us on a journey filled with captivating videos that will make you laugh, dance, and maybe even discover something new. Get ready to be entertained like never before - subscribe now and let the fun begin!
178 FollowersSocietà Creativa
142 FollowersSocietà Creativa è un progetto di tutta l'umanità che offre l'opportunità di portare la nostra civiltà pacificamente a un nuovo stadio di sviluppo evolutivo L'obiettivo principale di questo progetto è COSTRUIRE UNA SOCIETA' CREATIVA IN TUTTO IL MONDO in cui la vita umana abbia il massimo valore.
Creative Society for the whole world
135 FollowersThe international project "Creative Society" was initiated by people around the world. Consumerism dominates in today’s society, and we all see that it has played itself out, which is leading humankind into a dead-end. On May 11, 2019, at the global online conference “SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE”, people raised this issue and expressed a common opinion that building a new creative society is a vital necessity. The unique format of the conference inspired people to take action because they were able to express their sincere opinion and take responsibility for their own lives and our common future. At this stage, we set out the goal of finding out from people around the world whether they want to live in the Creative Society as well as of informing the public about this possibility. Here you will find videos produced by people from more than 180 countries around the world. Join this initiative and visit website
126 FollowersCreativejuneyb
124 FollowersCreative Society Poland
124 FollowersCreative Society Music
117 FollowersCreative Society Music
Creative Guise Productions
107 FollowersIndianapolis Indiana content creator.
Langhorne Creative Group
85 FollowersThis channel is where Stephen performs dramatic readings of his stories, provides role playing game (RPG) reviews, and interviews interesting people.
Creative Tryons
85 FollowersVarious beautiful women doing transparent and creative try on hauls. Enjoy watching, and like and subscribe! Thanks!
Creative Info to Support The Best President Ever!
85 FollowersPresenting flyers you can pass out, presenting information you might not have thought about, even stuff to buy!
82 Followers“Sociedad Creativa” es un proyecto de toda la humanidad que ofrece la oportunidad de llevar a cabo nuestra civilización de forma pacífica a una nueva etapa de desarrollo evolutivo en el menor tiempo posible. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es CONSTRUIR LA SOCIEDAD CREATIVA A NIVEL MUNDIAL en la que la Vida Humana tenga el máximo valor. OBJETIVOS DEL PROYECTO: Crear las condiciones para construir una sociedad creativa en todo el planeta a través de medios pacíficos. Preguntar a la gente de todo el mundo si quieren vivir en una sociedad creativa, y cómo la ven. Proporcionar una plataforma para una discusión global, internacional y abierta del concepto y modelo de la sociedad creativa en todas las esferas de la vida humana. Encontrar nuevas formas de unir a toda la humanidad y crear condiciones para la participación activa de cada persona en la vida de la sociedad, independientemente de su condición social, religión o nacionalidad. #SociedadCreativa #SociedadCreativa #SociedadCreativaAmericaLatina
80 FollowersСъзидателно общество
71 FollowersЦЕЛ НА ПРОЕКТА: СЪЗДАВАНЕ НА СЪЗИДАТЕЛНО ОБЩЕСТВО, СВОБОДНО ОТ СИСТЕМАТА НА ПОТРЕБИТЕЛСКОТО МИСЛЕНЕ. * Да се създадат условия за изграждането на съзидателно общество на цялата планета с мирни средства. * Да запитаме хората по целия свят дали искат да живеят в съзидателно общество и как си го представят. * Да се осигури платформа за глобална, международна, открита дискусия за концепцията и модела на съзидателното общество във всички сфери на човешкия живот. * Да се намерят нови начини за обединяване на цялото човечество и създаване на условия за активното участие на всеки човек в живота на обществото, независимо от социалния статус, религия или националност. Присъединете се към тази инициатива и посетете уебсайта
58 FollowersMOst common videos with no copyrights
58 FollowersThis channel features simple crafts and home creations that can also be done with the help of children and may be good ideas for nannies or teachers in kindergarten and for mothers with children at home. Help increase children\\\\\\\'s focus, develop their mental and cognitive abilities, and encourage artistic work. These ideas can be used as gifts for friends.
56 FollowersCreative Guise Productions (Maker)
54 FollowersAll things creating and working with my hands
Creative sounds
53 FollowersThis music I made through GarageBand app, and most of the images come from Midjourney. And music that I have bought and posted with images from MidJourney.
Creative Commons Art
51 FollowersVideo, Content free
Tammie Ann Creative
50 FollowersA whimsical world of art. Tutorials, Speed Draws, Free Coloring Pages and Art Supply Showcases
50 FollowerscreativityTV
Chill Zone
50 FollowersPositivity from Detroit
Creative Society. The Future is Here
49 FollowersCREATIVE SOCIETY is an international project that unites people from over 180 countries on a voluntary basis. The goal of the project is to transition, in a legal and peaceful way, within the shortest possible time, to a new creative format of society worldwide, where human life will be the highest value. The Creative Society format is needed worldwide because it is the only model that: Provides solutions to all global crises, including the climate crisis; Ensures a future without wars, conflicts, violence, poverty, or hunger; Enables humanity to rapidly and peacefully advance to a new stage of evolutionary development; Guarantees every individual's safety, health, well-being, and all-round development.
Ivy Lily Creative
47 FollowersLet's learn to make art together! • Upcycling art • Testing art supplies and kits • Graphite drawing • Watercolor painting • Acrylic painting • Water mixable oil painting • Image editing tutorials for selling your art Free coloring pages of my art at - Katri
# CreativeFunStudio # Makingforunlimitedfun#cats #dogs #kittens #kids #animals #cute #funny #video#fishing#cooking#
42 FollowersCreative Fun Studio is a channel wich Making For Unlimitet Fun, with funny animal & funny other videos. If you like cute and funny compilations of pets and animals & other then this is the channel for you. Enjoy! :) You love dog, cat? You love the cuteness and funny of animals? Subscribe my Channel. You 'll feel happy and love your life. Believe me. If you want to share your pets or other videos, drop an email and we will feature you too!
41 FollowersБлаготворче Суспільство це проєкт всього людства який дає можливість в найкоротші терміни мирним шляхом вивести нашу цивілізацію на новий щабель еволюційного розвитку. ⭕️Наші прямі трансляції та документальні фільми перекладаються більше 20 мова світу, інколи ця цифра сягає більше 70 чи навіть 100 мов. 🔹 новини у Львові та світі, інформаційні, соціальні дослідницькі програми 🔹 унікальні програми та документальні фільми про людину і суспільство, саморозвиток і самовдосконалення особистості 🔹 інтерв’ю з відомими людьми, вченими, спеціалістами 🔹 документальні і науково-популярні відео проєкти на тему культури, науки, історії та протидії насильству і булінгу 🔹 дослідницькі відео-конференції, круглі столи та онлайн-репортажі з вченими Наша мета: Знайти нові шляхи об'єднання всього людства і створити умови для активної участі кожної людини в житті суспільства незалежно від соціального статусу, віросповідання, національності.
41 FollowersTravel photography and scenic videos
Creative Society | Alkotó társadalom
39 FollowersALKOTÓ TÁRSADALOM — ez egy nemzetközi projekt, amely több mint 180 országból származó embereket egyesít önkéntes alapon. A projekt célja, hogy a lehető leggyorsabban, legálisan és békésen haladjunk egy olyan új, alkotó társadalmi formátum felé világszerte, amelyben az emberi élet lesz a legmagasabb érték. Az Alkotó társadalomról további információkat a honlapon talál. Ott választ kaphat kérdéseire.