Legion Of Skanks


Legion of Skanks has been called "The Most Offensive Podcast on Earth" and the hosts and creators wouldn't want it any other way! Stand up comedians and real-life best friends Big Jay Oakerson, Luis J. Gomez, and Dave Smith host their weekly "podcast party" from The Stand NYC where they discuss anything and everything in a hilarious and extremely uncensored way. The "Skanks" consistently raise the bar on filth and depravity. The goal of the show isn't to educate, but rather to make you piss your pants laughing and possibly question your own moral code. The latest 20 episodes are always free, but if you want access to all the archives, the live chat, fan forums, and full episodes On Demand a week before they come out everywhere else - you can subscribe now at GaSDigitalNetwork.com and use the code LOS to save 15% on your membership.

Solfeggio Sleep Music


Hypnotic brainwave tunes for a deeper relaxation state and better sleep quality. Monaural/binaural beats, Solfeggio/Chakra/Angelic frequencies, and isochronic tones are mixed with ambient sounds and instrumental to induce REM-sleep brainwave for more profound relaxation, to relieve stress/insomnia/anxiety, to bring the body back into balance, and to aid in emotional/physical healing during sleep. #solfeggiofrequencies #deepsleepmusic #blackscreensleepmusic #darkscreensleepmusic #healingsleepmusic #relaxingsleepmusic #stressreliefmusic #insomniareliefwhitin5minutes #healingmusic #binauralbeats Redistribution and commercial use without prior consent are strictly prohibited. COPYRIGHT© 2023 Solfeggio Sleep Music. All Rights Reserved.