First Century Christianity


Here is the perseverance of the saints who keep the commandments of Yahweh and their faith in Yeshua. (Revelation 14:12) The first century Christians were a mix of Jews who accepted Yeshua (Jesus) as the Messiah and Gentiles who accepted the Messiah and then learned how the keep the Torah. the first century faith is remarkably simple and you are invited to follow this channel to learn the doctrines and worship practices of those first century believers.

No Nonsense Christianity


I am not a man of high academic or theological stature, I do not run a formal ministry. I have one goal, to make the Bible and the path to salvation simple to understand for the ordinary man, and debunk nonsensical doctrines and damnable heresies. - Jesus is the only name under heaven that brings salvation - Salvation by grace through faith, not of works (faith in the "right" Jesus, not "another Jesus") - "Repent of your sins to be saved" is a false gospel - Eternal security and earthly chastisement of the believer - Undeniable trinity (as understood by most fundamentalists and evangelicals) - Textus Receptus (KJV) only - Rejection of judaization and ecumenicism - The Earth is a globe, but God made it in six days Email address: BitChute: YouTube:



Spreading The Word Brothers & Sisters Please Subscribe, Like, Share And Comment I will Be Very Grateful 💗💗💗 Free PDF Book Explaining Islam - Christian Prince, a native Arabic speaker and Christian apologist, was born and raised in a Christian family in the Middle East. After facing criticism of his religion from a teacher, he was motivated to study Islam and earned degrees in Islamic Sharia Law and Civil Law. With first-hand knowledge of the Qur’an, Allah, and Muhammad from the original Arabic texts, he gained a comprehensive understanding of Islam. Consequently, he authored several books, including ‘The Deception of Allah,’ ‘Sex and Allah,’ and ‘Quran And Science In-Depth,’ which are available on Amazon #live_debates #christian_apologetics #jesus #jesuschrist #christian #christianprince #christianprincedebates #religiousdebates #arabianprophet #christianity #christianityandislamdebates #islam #muslim #debates #truth #islamandchristianitydebates #kaaba #mecca #debunked #talk #conspiracy #lies #cp #isreal #palestine This channel is to spread the word of Christian Prince -

The Authentic Christianity

1 Follower

The teachings of Jesus were true in the ancient world, and are still true today. But contemporary Christianity has forsaken those teachings. This Podcast, hosted by Brother Mark, is about teaching Christians to return to Biblical Historical Authentic Christianity. Which is firmly planted upon Jesus Christ and the Words of God - the Bible. Brother Mark provides practical insights on how you can achieve this in your life today.