Celebrate Truth Verified


To promote God's Truth and expose the world's lies. What if everything that NASA & Science has taught you about the earth, sun, moon, stars & space was a lie? What if Satan wanted to destroy the foundations of God's Word by perverting the truth of the enclosed flat earth we live in from the very start? It might sound crazy but take the journey and study this topic because it might be the most shocking truth you've ever discovered about the world you live in. Open your bible and read all the verses describing God's creation again. Evolution is a lie and teaching nothing more than you were just an accident in a big bang. Monkey Man Science is all part of the great deception. Don't believe the lies. Check out my latest documentary films Scientism Exposed 1 & 2 Also, Scientism Exposed: Hiding the True Creator of Creation in paperback and ebook. Learn more at https://CelebrateTruth.org

Celestial Objects & The Final Days


This channel is dedicated to heavenly proofs of unknown celestial ojects in Earth's near vicinity. These objects are being systematically hidden from the people of earth by conspiring governments who intend to forcefully install a world government. Anyone with a scant knowledge of Scripture knows the enemy of God (satan, lucifer, abadon, beelzebub, baphomet, etc.) will attempt to rule over the entire world as a worldwide despotic leader. What we see happening today across the world is an excellent example of what this will look like. Never before has the world been so interlocked in an economic and technological way. Jesus will likely return soon. His followers were implored to look up, for our redemption draws near when these things are happening with such bold and apparent clarity. Do not resist Jesus Christ's call to all sinners. Every soul is eternal and there are but two destinations for the soul after death: Eternity with God, and eternity in conscious punishment with satan and his followers.

pray for palestine


The Free Palestine Movement (Arabic: حركة فلسطين حرة) is a Palestinian Syrian armed movement and community organization that is led by the businessman Yasser Qashlaq and supports the Ba'athist government of Syria. The organization opposes the existence of Israel, and was mostly known for political activism and social services in favor of Palestinians in Syria and the Gaza Strip before 2012. Upon the outbreak of the Syrian Civil War, however, the Free Palestine Movement formed its own militias and has since then openly fought for the Syrian government against various rebel groups.

Relaxation Music and Nature Sounds


I started this channel to help you to relax, feel calm, sleep, study, work, and overall to renew your spirit. Whether it's after a day of challenges at work, working from home, parenting, school, or whatever is keeping you from feeling the calm and peace you desire, I hope my videos and chosen audio help you no matter what your needs. If you enjoy my videos, please feel free to subscribe to my channel for updates on new videos. Also, please share with your friends and family who are also having problems with relaxing, focusing, studying, sleeping, or finding their peace. Thank you for visiting my channel and for listening. Please provide your feedback as it helps me to create better videos and audio experiences for you. Some videos may contain one or more affiliate links, which means I may get a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through the link.

Celebrate The Power Of God In You


Life is too short to waste. Hi, am Dr. Choice Nwachuku. Welcome to our channel where we help you live a victorious life by the Word of God that will impact your spirit, soul and body. Please visit us at: https://www.godsbattleaxe.com https://www.facebook.com/GBAXE Subscribe to our online magazine at: http://www.inspirationmag.org You will be blessed through all of these platforms. We encourage you to read our magazine INSPIRATION where you will be inspired to a higher level by the contents within its different pages (worship, prayer, leadership, children, marriage, youth, women and prophetic corners). We also encourage you to follow us on Facebook, where we post different things that will help you live a victorious, fulfilled and blessed life. KINDLY SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL. (No copyright infringement on images and songs intended.)

A Struggle for Peace and Justice


Welcome to the 'Palestine: A Struggle for Peace and Justice' channel, where we delve deep into the complex and enduring conflict in the Middle East. Our goal is to provide a platform for informed discussions, analysis, and a better understanding of the historical, political, and humanitarian aspects of the Palestine-Israel conflict. Join us as we explore the narratives, stories, and perspectives from both sides of the conflict, aiming to foster empathy, dialogue, and awareness. Our channel will feature documentaries, interviews, expert analyses, and personal testimonies that shed light on the challenges and aspirations of the Palestinian people, as well as the broader geopolitical context. Subscribe to stay informed, engage in constructive conversations, and become a part of the solution to this long-standing issue. Together, we can work towards a future where peace, justice, and dignity prevail for all in the region.