Shadow Asphalt Storm


My channel is for only Asphalt arcade racing games by Gameloft, mostly Asphalt 9 China version & Asphalt 8. Mostly stream rather than make videos. [About Me] Nickname as MGO/Syah Haddy. I like playing arcade games, mostly racing genres such as the Gameloft Asphalt series (Asphalt 8 & 9), the NEXON KartRider series, NetEase Ace Racer, and some casual games. I'm the social network addiction guy who shares/reposts anything I like, which I somehow called a "Social Game." I have other names near the same as my name but have different interests. I mostly livestream rather than make videos. I speak/chat in English and Malay — just a balanced guy. [Alternative/Older Names] • Social Asphalt Games (SAG) • Social Game - Asphalt Racing [Abbreviations] • MGO: MSBAH Game On (My IGN/nickname) • MSGAH: My Social Gaming AHead • MSBAH (My full name)

Cherry Hills Church services and events


Cherry Hill Church is wholly dependent on the Message of Christ for its success - Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose from the dead to pay the penalty for our sins and to purchase for us a place in heaven which he offers as a free gift. We believe that this message is the overarching theme of the Bible and when presented consistently and prominently will transform lives. We don't want to be a church that just holds up more signs of obligations to be fulfilled in life. We want a church that will lift up the One who delivers us from the curse of the law and sets us free from all the "gottas...." in our lives. This is the kind of "rest" only found in Jesus Christ that will prepare us for getting back into the demands of Monday. We want everyone that attends Cherry Hill Church to enter into the "rest" that Jesus offers us along the road of life. We want them to hear about the One who saved our souls, forgave our sins, and purchased for us a place in heaven where we will inherit eternal rest. We want lives to be refreshed with God's love for us expressed on Calvary. We don't want a church that simply tells people what to DO. We want a church that gives us something to BELIEVE.