CCOAN - Thessalonica


WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL CCOAN - THESSALONICA RUMBLE ACCOUNT! If millions of this generation are to believe they must see proof that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. One of the proofs is the living church of the Christian Church Of All Nations - Thessalonica, that operates in Thessaloniki, Greece, under man of God Harry. As he was trained under the mentorship of Prophet T.B. Joshua in Lagos, Nigeria, today he is one of the people God has chosen to do His work, exposing the evil plans of the devil. (John 10:10). Through our uploads we aim to awake today’s generation that lives without faith and hope, ignoring the existence of the Creator, by showing tangible evidence that Jesus Christ never said goodbye! He still encourages His people to do His work today! Be part of this revolution and receive the awesome benefits of Christ’s great salvation, manifested through this powerful ministry! For more information visit our Official Website -



PATRIOTS ! So Glad You're Here. “The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing but The Truth”! Do you swear to tell? ​ An innocuous pledge that no good Christian Man, Woman or Child would have a problem with. Yet here we are in the seemingly inexplicable universe of 2020! While defiance of this simple pledge did not begin this year it sure seems to have exploded to epidemic (oops no pundemic intended!) proportions. If I stopped with that statement 45% of Americans (sadly uninformed) would espouse; “Orange Man Bad”! ​ So, where do we go from here? To quote Professor John Nash (at least from the movie): “I am terrified, mortified, petrified and stupefied” by the lack of citizen involvement in their own fate. Let us engage. This is my little attempt to love and defend this country and the greatest document ever written (2nd only to the BIBLE!) The U.S Constitution!

CCOAN - New York


WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL CCOAN - NEW YORK RUMBLE ACCOUNT! If millions of this generation are to believe they must see proof that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. One of the proofs is the living church of the Christian Church Of All Nations - New York, that has opened its doors in New York, USA, under man of God Michael. As he was trained under the mentorship of man of God Harry in Thessaloniki, Greece, today he is one of the people God has chosen to do His work, exposing the evil plans of the devil. (John 10:10) Through our uploads we aim to awake today’s generation that lives without faith and hope, ignoring the existence of the Creator, by showing tangible evidence that Jesus Christ never said goodbye! He still encourages His people to do His work today! Be part of this revolution and receive the awesome benefits of Christ’s great salvation, manifested through this powerful ministry!