My adventures learning about the Flipper Zero and accessories


Welcome to my channel documenting my journey learning to work with small electronic projects like Arduino, riding motorcycles, and jailbreaking game consoles! I recently purchased a Flipper Zero, and have been amazed by the potential of this tool. I'm recording various experiments to share my experiences and invite others to join me in exploring the fascinating possibilities of the Flipper Zero. Join me in my exploration and subscribe to the channel if you find it interesting!

Secession Speakeasy Verified


“Secession Speakeasy” is a weekly analysis/news podcast hosted on Locals, with “Public House Editions” of the show made available to the general public on Odysee, BitChute and Rumble. Here we discuss all the FORBIDDEN topics the Elites do NOT want the common people discussing. We cover important news from the self-determination front on matters of secession, nullification, electoral integrity, balanced representation and personal freedom. Our supplemental show “From Steal to Secession AM” is a geopolitical analysis podcast covering the ongoing attempts of the elites and wanna-be elites to keep their stranglehold on power through lawfare, dirty tricks and shenanigans. We will cover these events as they unfold and watch as the corrupt power structures crumble, ending in a more decentralized world brought about by the act of secession. This show is a production from the team of "On This Terrestrial Ball" Check out our other work at the following sites and support us!

Bible Intercessory Prayer & Spiritual Warfare


The Channel explores how biblically-grounded intercessory prayers by Born-Again Christians in accordance with, e.g., Romans 8:27b, 1st John 5:14-15, and Psalm 149:5-9 -- impact geo-political events and the physical/earthly realm. God has graciously allowed me to experience many miraculous answers to prayer. Yet despite seeing these, I’ve learned not to evaluate Scripture by physical signs but instead to judge the physical signs by the Scriptures. Yet using the written Scripture as The Criteria also requires at times delving into the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek words various biblical writers used, as well as investigating the historical and social contexts during when they penned those Scripture words – to be at peace that I have a reasonable accurate scriptural criteria or yardstick. Still, I’m no expert nor credentialed Bible scholar. I’m just an average Christian doing his best to be “a workman who need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth”. In faith, hopefully, I am relying on the Mind of Christ, the Unction of the Holy Spirit, and James 1:5-6 for any spiritual realizations I come by. Sola Scriptura involves not only that every believer can read the Bible himself and he not be prohibited in doing so, but that he also has the responsibility to engage in his own struggles of mind to find the truth and thus decide for himself. In my struggles, I try to use honest critical thinking to discern what the Lord is actually saying through His written Word (God’s “theological messaging”, as Dr. Michael Heiser puts it), and then try to synthesize the Lord’s concepts which He’s spread variously throughout Scripture into coherent wholes, in order to discern His Will from the Whole Counsel of God. Discerning and following that Will is what has made intercessory prayer miraculously successful. 1 John 5:14-15. Yet, being only human, I can still get my Scriptural exegesis wrong. But I am comforted by the answer which Martin Luther gave to his accusers during his Worms, Germany trial in 1521: As one paraphrase put it -- “I am but a man and can err. Only let my errors be proven by Scripture. . . . Unless I am convinced by Scripture and by plain reason . . . my conscience is captive to the Word of God. To go against conscience is neither right nor safe. I cannot and I will not recant. Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me.”

Cesar Nascimento


Bem-vindo(a) ao meu canal! Aqui você encontrará conteúdo de qualidade sobre alguns dos temas mais relevantes para a compreensão da sociedade contemporânea, sempre com informações fundamentadas e sem sensacionalismo. Sou diplomata de carreira, mas meus interesses vão muito além da diplomacia: abrangem desde literatura e história até economia e psicologia, entre outros. Pretendo abordar os mais variados assuntos e convido todos a colaborar, apresentando críticas e comentários. Inscreva-se no canal e participe desta conversa franca e aberta! As opiniões aqui expressas têm caráter pessoal e não representam necessariamente a posição do Governo brasileiro.

Maiores Sucessos


Bem-vindo ao Canal Maiores Sucessos, o destino definitivo para os amantes da música! Aqui, mergulhamos nos anais da história musical para trazer até você os maiores sucessos de todos os tempos e de todos os gêneros. De clássicos atemporais a hits contemporâneos, nosso canal é uma jornada musical que atravessa décadas e estilos. Junte-se a nós para reviver momentos inesquecíveis, descobrir novos favoritos e, acima de tudo, celebrar a magia intemporal da música. Seja qual for o seu gosto, Canal Maiores Sucessos é o seu refúgio musical, onde as melodias se tornam memórias e as canções ecoam através do tempo. Não apenas assista, mas participe da nossa comunidade musical. Inscreva-se, compartilhe e deixe-nos saber quais são as suas faixas favoritas. Prepare-se para uma jornada musical extraordinária.