Awakening World - Truth & Secrets Revealed


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A Rood Awakening


Former US Marine, Michael Rood, dares to go where few men have gone before; to challenge long-standing traditions and man-made religious systems and to guide all "who have ears to hear" to a historically accurate interpretation and rational understanding of the Hebrew Scriptures. Michael Rood has earned his reputation as the Messianic matador who waves his tattered red cape in the face of the religious bull of this generation, finally roasting the golden calf of churchianity and serving it up with the leaven-free bread of life. Michael's television series: Prepare for A Rood Awakening! from Israel has been heralded as the most energetic exposition of Scriptural truth to come out of Israel in over a millennium! Visit our video website: and download the Michael Rood TV App!



The Great Awakening Show airs on UK. Health Radio, the world's NO 1 Talk Health Radio with over 1.3 million listeners, airs as Podcast on Spotify, Apple and Google. about spiritual truth, guided inspiration, infinite wisdom, and sacred secrets being revealed. We have inspirational interviews with people from all around the world; light-workers, way-showers, truth speakers, earth keepers, love embracers, healers, authors and therapists, and all those who are benefiting others and our planet.



If you are here that means you are tired of all the lies and crimes around the globe. Don't be afraid, this needs to happen it's inevitable and don't worry everything will come together step by step. This is the place you need to be in order to understand what is The Great Awakening. Watch at least 50% of the videos here and we promise, you will understand everything that is happening around the world and why. Please take into consideration that you need to keep an opened mind and the information provided needs to be researched. Website: Telegram: There are multiple scenarios but all of them converge into a single one, find out what that is. Enjoy the show!