Grandmaster Wolf


GMW is first and foremost a mystic. This means that since his early youth, GMW was driven by a deep, unceasing desire to return to an unknown source and to the original true nature and to realize deeper truths. GMW lived in temples both in the Himalayas and in the remote mountains of China. After decades of sacrifice, searching, and long sitting with awakened personalities such as the Dalai Lama, Jiddu Krisnamurti, and Master Ni Ching Hua, to name a few, GMW was awakened in a private conversation with the enlightened Zen Master Yamahata Daido Hogen San, born in 1935. "This channel is always kept free of advertising. We are constantly working on the development of videos and programs and hope to be able to expand the transparency and comprehensibility in the future. The channel is dedicated to a positive and supportive community where it is safe to express yourself via your comments without attracting sarcastic, rude or generally negative replies. It is for you to grow from it."

Positively Brainwashed


Brainwash yourself to success. I will teach you very important concepts to improve your wealth, health, social relationships and overall happiness through hypnotizing whiteboard animations. I want to teach you a system to obtain endless motivation and maximize your productivity. With my background in computer science and psychology, I will day by day reprogram your mind to help you reach your full potential. Expect a video upload at least once a week My goal is to simply change the world starting with you. Joining the system is free, so what are you waiting for? :)