

Welcome to MirageLive. Gameplay focused livestreams, let's plays, multiplayer sessions, and more. If I'm playin' chances are I'm streaming it. Live whenever I play. No set schedule. The best way to know when I'm going live is by following me on X. FAQ's: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why don't you use a webcam on your livestreams? My livestreams are gameplay focused livestreams. I don't use a webcam because it takes away from the immersion, story telling, and gameplay the games I play offer. *If you wanna see what I look like, check out my podcast 'What Real People Think' hosted right here on Rumble. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why don't you talk a lot? Just not my style. I'm a quite dude. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you read chat? Sometimes, but I'm usually focused on the game I'm playing. Please don't take it personally <3 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Who makes your graphics? I do. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why did you start livestreaming? Because I really enjoy the atmosphere of livestreaming. Livestreaming lets me broadcast my favorite games to the world and maybe inspire viewers to play them if they haven't. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why aren't your streams longer? I typically try to stream 1.5-2hrs per session to make the VODS easier to view if people missed the livestream. Secondly, I'm a busy guy and oftentimes that's all the time I had for that day. Finally, I realize that the average person doesn't have time to sit there watching me play video games for 8 hours straight nor would I expect them to. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ About Mirage Mirage has been in the industry for a long time and has shared his passion of videos games with the world through countless medias over the years, including his well-known gaming blog (retired), multiple podcasts, guest features, as well as multiple successful gaming channels.