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Quantum Bombs


Authentic, freedom loving explosives and weapons experts discuss issues in culture, news, and politics. Dropping quantum thought bombs that still make sense in our ever expanding world. Uplevel your thinking on the worlds dramas with these Texans. Or stay for the explosive action as they blow stuff up... they are fully licensed explosives and weapons manufacturers who had a TV show on the Discovery channel. Beth Hagendorf - the producer- TV creator/producer/host, hosts Spirituality Explained for the Average Joe, curious life student, Sociology backgroun Matt Barnett - the chemist- owns an explosives company, hippy at heart, owns a transformational leadership camp. Russell Hagendorf - the futurist- real estate investor, digital assets dude, lives in web 3 world, engineering background Rex - the history buff- reminiscent of the old days, works in the explosives industry, acting background