Exposing A1 and Riccardo Bosi


Debunking the fallacies and lies of the Australia One media channel. Videos, commentary, links to articles in video description. Critical related issues are also explored incl. MAGA, QAnon, the cult of Trump and much more. https://www.reddit.com/r/AustraliaOneExposed/ ✱COMMENT POLICY✱ A1 supporters are advised comments on this channel are moderated. Comments will be deleted that demonstrate the following: circular logic or argumentation (saying the same thing over and over), threatening other users, accusing users of "paedophile protecting" (a common A1 tactic), doxing (threatening to unveil the real identify of other users) or brigading (persistent posting to harass other users)



Revelation 22:17, KJV ‭17‭ ‭And‭ the Spirit‭ and‭ the bride‭ say‭‭, Come‭‭. And‭ let him that heareth‭‭ say‭‭, Come‭‭. And‭ let him that is athirst‭‭ come‭‭. And‭ whosoever will‭‭, let him take‭‭ the water‭ of life‭ freely‭.‭ Join us @ the Bride Of Christ Discord server: https://discord.gg/HT7AkhVSy5 or https://discord.gg/brideofchrist Follow us @ YouTube: https://youtube.com/@BrideOfChrist-vc Follow us @ Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/BrideOfChristDiscord Follow us @ BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/6XEmkLYG3dZt/ Follow us @ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/brideofchristdiscord Follow us @ www: https://theswordofgod.net/ E-mail: BrideOfChristDiscord@gmail.com