Fall of the Cabal Series by Janet Ossebaard


The Fall of The Cabal ls about the downfall of the 1%, often referred to as the Cabal: a small group of people who run the world through their excessive wealth and power. They concocted an evil master plan to completely dominate and submiss humanity … a plan in which corruption, secret services, secret societies and high treason reign supreme. Yet, the 1% did not take into account the following two things: the people started waking up and were helped by an ally at the top: the mysterious Q. Parts 1-8 are very dark and foreboding due to the evil wicked nature of the satan worshipping Cabal or Deep State as they are known by some. Parts 9 and 10 are much more light in nature due to the bright future they describe. PLEASE! Don’t accept what is presented here as truth just because knowledgable, reliable sources say it and show you charts, graphs, etc… A major cause of many of the problems we are having in this country, and all over this beautiful planet, is that when a lot of people see or hear something on television or the internet, if they hear it on the radio, or read about it in newspaper, book, or magazine, they believe it. Don’t do that! Research critical information enough that you can learn whether it is truth or if it is just propaganda. Prove all things to yourself, don’t just accept someone else’s beliefs or their opinions as fact. Prove things in your own mind so as not to be blinded to facts. May God Bless and protect you as you walk in this world!!!

NFL Daily by Chat Sports


Chat Sports is the leading sports video news network on digital platforms. With millions of viewers monthly across 28 different channels, join us now to become a part of the most interactive network of sports channels on YouTube! Our goal is to bring tv-quality sports programming to YouTube, while embracing our audience to create a fun, 2-way sports conversation. For advertising and business inquiries, please email us at partners@chatsports.com to integrate your product or company into our shows.

Al Descubierto con Elina Villafañe


Te presentamos las principales noticias, informes profundos y veraces del mundo. En el programa Al Descubierto con Elina Villafañe, y el equipo de reporteros investigan temas que otros medios de comunicación pasan por alto o evitan. Nos dedicamos a buscar la verdad, basando todo lo que decimos en hechos para evitar que el público esté mal informado y sea engañado. Una sociedad bien informada es la piedra angular de una democracia floreciente. En nuestra sala de redacción y en nuestros reportajes, nos comprometemos a ser honestos, respetuosos y compasivos. The Epoch Times es un retorno al periodismo auténtico y tradicional.

NBA Now by Chat Sports


Chat Sports is the leading sports video news network on digital platforms. With millions of viewers monthly across 28 different channels, join us now to become a part of the most interactive network of sports channels on YouTube! Our goal is to bring tv-quality sports programming to YouTube, while embracing our audience to create a fun, 2-way sports conversation. For advertising and business inquiries, please email us at partners@chatsports.com to integrate your product or company into our shows.

Not By Works Ministries


Since 1999, Not By Works Ministries has been committed to promoting the clear, accurate, and urgent Gospel message of God’s gracious and free offer of eternal life. According to the Bible, eternal life is found only through faith in Jesus Christ alone who died and rose again for our sins. We seek to advance the message of God’s amazing grace through a nationwide conference-speaking ministry on a variety of biblical topics; through the publication and distribution of books, DVDs, CDs, and other biblical resources; and through our daily radio program. For more information about Not By Works visit https://www.notbyworks.org/. If you share our message and would like to help us advance the Gospel message please click here to support this ministry: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLC273DPH212P/checkout/V4HSKV2N5E43O5GPC7J67YOG?src=embed.

Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng


"Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng" aims at offering authentic, fastest, uncensored first-hand information from inside China, as well as unique in-depth analysis and insights about China\\\\\\\'s current affairs and politics by Jennifer Zeng, who was once a researcher at the Development Research Center of the State Council of the People\\\\\\\'s Republic of China, the highest level governmental policy research and consultant body. Jennifer has been working in the media industry as a journalist, editor, news producer, news director, and columnist for the past two decades. 曾铮是作家、自媒體人。她是《静水流深》的作者,及获奖纪录片《自由中国》的女主角。 Jennifer\\\\\\\'s website 曾錚網站: https://www.jenniferzengblog.com Jennifer\\\\\\\'s bio 曾錚簡歷:https://www.jenniferzengblog.com/about/ Jennifer\\\\\\\'s Twitter 曾錚推特:https://twitter.com/jenniferatntd Jenifer\\\\\\\'s Facebook Page 曾錚臉書粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/InconvenientTruthsbyJenniferZeng

The Patriot Barbie Show Verified


Welcome to The Patriot Barbie Podcast, the compelling conservative answer to the leftist woke mob. Lindsey Graham is the nationally recognized salon owner from Oregon who refused to comply with tyranny during lockdowns and has won the nation over with her authentic and unapologetic voice for American liberties. She empowers listeners with faith-infused, freedom-steeped content, sparking unbridled enthusiasm for God and America. Lindsey is the unwavering voice of truth-seeking, liberty-loving women on the right and men on the front lines. She is a fierce right-leaning mama bear, a successful entrepreneur and a red blooded patriot, but this definitely isn’t your average mommy blog. This is a place where conservative Christian values are held sacred. This is a place where faith, family, and liberties are protected with unrelenting grit and grace. This is where Americans listen in, and find their own strength to take a stand! Please subscribe, leave a great review and share with your friends. Thank to my sponsors and partners. Find out more on www.patriotbarbie.com and follow Lindsey on Instagram at @the.patirot.barbie