Receitas Do Ti Sardinha


Hello everyone, my name is José Sardinha I'm Portuguese and I've been living in Brazil for 13 years. I created this cooking channel to help you with various foods of everything a little in the way that I think is the fastest and easiest, where I'm going to do something that I've learned over the years that I've been a cook. keep it in the fridge. As well as some diet dishes and salads, some soups for the coldest days, some dishes from Portugal, others from Brazil and some dishes I learned from international chefs. know that you liked it and will indicate the video to more people. Subscribe if you haven't yet and share it with your family and friends. Leave a message saying what you think of the video, so I can try to improve. Also tell me which city or country you are watching my video from. *SHARE* I leave my hug

Jose Sardinha Portuga


Hi everyone, my name is José Sardinha, I'm Portuguese and I've been living in Brazil for 13 years. I make several types of decorative effects and try to teach the easiest way. Among the effects are: stone effect, brick, burnt cement, tree bark, and many others. Which can be made with glue cement, acrylic mass, various types of paints, with various types of textures. I excelled in the wood effect with cement glue and I'm known because I invented making the designs (grooves) with an old broom. I also show you jobs to help you with everyday problems, where you would have to pay dearly, such as: how to change the rubbers on the fridge door, how to install a shower. These are simple things to help you. I only ask that if you want to help my channel grow and reach more people. Leave the LIKE 👍 SHARE, SUBSCRIBE, if you are not already subscribed to the channel and leave your comment. Ask your friends to subscribe. *HELP THE CHANNEL GROW*

Barbara O'Neill en español


¡Bienvenidos a nuestro canal de Rumble dedicado al bienestar y la salud natural! 🌿🌞 En este espacio, nos complace presentarles un proyecto especial en el que traducimos, doblamos con IA y compartimos en español las enseñanzas y la sabiduría de una renombrada naturópata y conferencista australiana, Bárbara O'Neill. Nuestra misión es brindar acceso a valiosos conocimientos sobre remedios naturales y prácticas para el cuidado del cuerpo a los hispanohablantes, con el objetivo de fomentar la prevención de enfermedades y el fortalecimiento de la salud integral. Acompáñenos en este emocionante viaje hacia un estilo de vida más saludable y armonioso. Aquí encontrarán información relevante, consejos prácticos y perspectivas enriquecedoras sobre cómo prevenir enfermedades y optimizar su bienestar. ¡Únanse a nuestra comunidad y descubran cómo pueden incorporar hábitos saludables y naturales en sus vidas diarias! ¡Vamos juntos hacia un futuro más brillante y saludable! 🌱✨

The Poetry Channel with Barbara K and Daniel D.


The Poetry Channel with Barbara K and Daniel D. The channel was created to reveal her talents in creating poems that are gathering dust since her death in 2017. Barbara was a loving wife, loving mother, who cared about life. She could make you smile when you were down and comfort you when life was beating you up. Barbara was one of kind. I hope you will take the time and read her poems and thoughts from the beginning to the end so, you may get the full sensation and passion from reading them. I have added a truely remarkable man that creates poetry, his name is: Daniel D. Donovan, enjoy Thank You I will make a positive difference in someone's life today.