

We are perched precariously on a preposterously perilous precipice, environmentally, economically, culturally,and globally. Decentralization of finances, information exchange, and innovation, via cryptocurrencies and other blockchain based technologies offer a way forward. Opportunities in the realm of conscious investment ranging from green energy to psilocybin companies offer us tremendous potential to empower ourselves, while catalyze the requisite changes that are necessary to return the planet to homeostasis. Global interest in plant medicines and other entheogens suggest a collective recognition of the need to catalyze consciousness, along with exponentially increased interest in yoga, meditation, and other spiritual practices. This channel is an effort to offer every empowering insight, every financial opportunity, and every liberating skill that I have to share in a sincere effort to empower the right people, so that they may do the same.

Quantum Financial System


We encourage like-minded individuals to come together, share information and resources, while collaborating on projects and initiatives aimed at promoting positive change as we transform the world into a more just and equitable place. Motived by a desire to see an end to economic inequality, poverty, injustice. We address our aim to make significant changes to the global economic system that results in widespread prosperity, debt forgiveness, and the end of corruption throughout the world.

Government Gangsters


Government Gangsters: The Deep State, the Truth, and the Battle for Our Democracy George W. Bush: War Criminal This book identifies and documents 269 specific war crimes for which President Bush, and his staff are liable to be prosecuted. Eminent jurists, professional legal organizations, and human rights monitors in America and around the world have declared that President George W. Bush may be prosecuted as a war criminal when he leaves office for his overt and systematic violations of such international law as the Geneva and Hague Conventions and such US law as the War Crimes Act, the Anti-Torture Act, and federal assault laws."George W. Bush, War Criminal?" identifies and documents 269 specific war crimes under US and international law for which President Bush, senior officials and staff in his administration, and military officers under his command are liable to be prosecuted. The author divides the 269 war crimes of the Bush administration into four classes: 6 war crimes committed in launching a war of aggression; 36 war crimes committed in the conduct of war; 175 war crimes committed in the treatment of prisoners; and 52 war crimes committed in postwar occupations.For each of the 269 war crimes of the Bush administration, Professor Haas gives chapter and verse in precise but non-technical language, including the specific acts deemed to be war crimes, the names of the officials deemed to be war criminals, and the exact language of the international or U. S. laws violated by those officials. The author proceeds to consider the various US, international, and foreign tribunals in which the war crimes of Bush administration defendants may be tried under applicable bodies of law. He evaluates the real-world practicability of bringing cases against Bush and Bush officials in each of the possible venues. Finally, he weighs the legal, political, and humanitarian pros and cons of actually bringing Bush and Bush officials to trial for war crimes. Mar 20, 2023 — Iraqi Woman Uses Chilcot Report in War Crimes Lawsuit Against George W. Bush. The Chilcot Report leaves little doubt that Team Bush-Cheney ... The Afghanistan War Commission is composed of 16 commissioners, eight appointed by Democratic members of Congress and eight appointed by Republican members ... The Afghanistan War Commission is a legislative commission established by the U.S. Congress on a bipartisan basis in December 2021 to conduct a comprehensive review of key decisions related to U.S. military, intelligence, foreign assistance, and diplomatic involvement in Afghanistan from June 2001 to August 2021. We are committed to pursue the answers and lessons of the 20-year Afghanistan war that Americans deserve. Our Website Book by Kash Patel “A brilliant roadmap highlighting every corrupt actor, to ultimately return our agencies and departments to work for the American People…we will use this blueprint to help us take back the White House and remove these Gangsters from all of Government!” ... Google Books Originally published: January 24, 2023 Author: Kash Patel

Gang stalking Mind control Beast system End Times


Gang stalking - Electronic harassment - V2K - Electromagnetic weapons - Sonic weapons - Spiritual warfare - Gaslighting - PSYOPS - Street theatre - Weaponised psychiatry - Whistleblowers - Pedogate - Silencing the victims. Materials in PL and EN. Wstęp do tematyki zorganizowanego nękania [ang. gang stalking, electronic harassment] przez dużą grupę oprawców, z zastosowaniem najnowszych technologii oraz internetu, włamań do telefonów, komputerów oraz z wykorzystaniem portali społecznościowych, funkcji algorytmów "sztucznej inteligencji" [ang. Artificial Intelligence], obsługujących całą sieć. W momencie, w którym osoba zostaje wprowadzona do systemu, przez jakiegokolwiek psychopatę, który dysponuje tego typu technologiami lub zna innych, zajmujących się nękaniem, zostaje uruchomiony system osaczania ofiary w całej przestrzeni internetowej - konta bankowe, poczty e-mail, portale społecznościowe, wyświetlanie odpowiednich reklam w sieci. Dochodzi do tego również nękanie bezpośrednie przez dużą grupę zatrudnionych do tego "aktorów" i informatorów.

Divine Disruptors System Busters Verified


Cousin Vinny here. (Divine Disruptor System Buster) This channel is to open a channel of recovery. we must *Innerstand, before we can heal. I am one of 4.8 billion Star-seeds. Light-Workers, and Old Souls. We came here to help with the Disclosure, Awakening, Recovery, and Rebuilding of Gaia, Humanity, and The Golden Rose Galaxy. I do not know hoe the heck all this technology works, So Please bear with me, as I self-teach myself how all this works.

The Gangster Chronicles Podcast Verified


Legendary gangster rapper MC Eiht and music insider Norm Steele, bring you "The Gangster Chronicles". The Gangster Chronicles is a weekly long form conversation with everyone from gangsters, police and bank robbers, to rappers, politicians and former d boys. The Gangster Chronicles gives you a glimpse into the world of those that live their lives outside of society's normal parameters, where the risk are high, but the rewards are astronomical. We conversate with the real Tony Montana's of the world, but we don't glorify or sensationalize these lifestyles, we simply examine the circumstances that may have influenced their decisions. Every gangster has a story and they all have a different ending.

The Light System


The Light System is a channel focused on an a highly spiritual and secretive underground group called 'The Light System' or TLS that has agents all over the world. They do covert operations both physical and spiritual to avert disasters in the world planned by the cabal. This organization has been in existence for thousands of years. TLS also aims to increase the vibration and consciousness of the world. The spokesperson for this group is Jason Shurka who has created platforms as and unifyd social to bring together people and various guests to deliberate on various issues touching the masses.

Warrior Tactical Systems


Warrior Tactical Systems LLC believes trained and prepared citizens are a force for good in the world. That\'s why we strives to spread a philosophy that inspires warriors for generations to come to search for the truth in combat. We provide quality, cutting edge self-defense training, including the use of various firearms, edged and impact weapons, less lethal tools and empty hand combative skills. Our goal is to provide the skills and knowledge necessary to develop Civilian, Military and Law Enforcement operators to their full potential. We are always striving to provide the best training methodology by constantly innovating, researching and developing so, we can give warriors every advantage in combat.



We "Engineer-to-Order" and Build Purpose-built weaponry made for extreme Long Distance Hunting and shooting... This is our primary purpose and reason for the creation of this new Division of CBJ Precision Engineered Rifles, Inc. Our engineering research and development teams are focused entirely on custom "one-up" builds you just cannot find at any other custom shop... PERIOD! We build extreme performance rifles using Weatherby, Winchester, Remington, Savage, Savage Target and many other fine custom actions like SURGEON, STILLER and DEVIANT Tactical and Hunter. Our barrels are predominately HART but we build with PacNor, Brux, Douglas, Proof Research and Shilen Barrels and many other fine precision barrels at the customers request. We build rifles with flat out deadly performance and extreme performance over anyone else on this Planet and have been undisputed in our claims since 1996. We redefine a new level of performance as each and every build is range validated in excess of 1,100 yards... Our products are proudly made in the U.S.A