Two Mikes with Dr Michael Scheuer & Col Mike
12,761 FollowersMr Michael Scheuer and Colonel Mike bring the best conservative guests to the airwaves.
Mr Michael Scheuer and Colonel Mike bring the best conservative guests to the airwaves.
Restoring freedom, one hurdle at a time. Follow us on Telegram at
We are not THE two witnesses from the book of Revelation, at least not as far as we know. However, we do believe that we are living in the end times, and it is our conviction that the two witnesses prophesied will be revealed very soon. We see ourselves as Two Witnesses for our God and His Son, aiming to discuss and share insights into what we believe God is doing in real time. Our intention is to provide firsthand coverage of the unfolding events and prepare for the imminent revelation of the prophesied two witnesses.
Your one-stop-shop for Bitcoin tutorials, news and panel discussions.
Two Packs of sports cards are open by each participant
Прямо сейчас настоящие новости важнее, чем когда-либо прежде. Поддержите честную альтернативную точку зрения ТОК ШОУ В ПРЯМОМ ЭФИРЕ Ваша финансовая помощь будет способствовать возрождению журналистики и поможет защитить наши свободы для будущих поколений. ZELLE: PAY PAL: TELEGRAM КАНАЛ: TELEGRAM ЧАТ: МЫ НА Фейсбуке Мы на YOUTUBE здесь : МЫ НА TWITEER МЫ НА TWITCH АЛЬТЕРНАТИВНЫЙ YOUTUBE Контактный email:
Homesteading, Guns, Ham Radio, Chickens and Random Stuff
We're moving from the suburbs of Denver to our off grid property in the high desert of SE Arizona. Follow our journey!
Two friends discuss and debate the political, cultural and societal issues/news of the times. We also interview interesting guests, goof off for some fun episodes with friends, review TV Shows, Movies, Guns and other cool stuff. In addition we periodically host Funko POPcast specials, where we unbox and show our Funkos with other collectors. You can also listen to us on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, iTunes, Spotify, and TuneInRadio. (Support the show)-
Canal de vídeos censurados no Youtube da Missão Two Trees - Avraham e Sarah. Talvez em um futuro próximo, este canal se torne o canal principal da missão. Estamos em Jerusalém para pregar arrependimento, e proclamar que Yeshua é o messias, e que em breve, Ele virá buscar sua Israel e estabelecer seu reino.
Commentary, observations, and knowledge gleaned from years as a former Intelligence operative.
Join us for our Retirement Adventures!
Two "old turtles" building a homestead in beautiful East Tennessee from scratch!
We are the leading internet retailer of two way radios and accessories. We produce videos with detailed discussions of products as well as how-to tips for business, GMRS, amateur, marine and weather radios, as well as other related products.
It sounds like "The Two Alpha's Talk Show" is discussing important topics related to shooting and training safety, as well as self-defense in the context of world events. The Second Amendment likely plays a role in these discussions, considering its relevance to firearms and personal protection. As a responsible talk show, they might provide valuable insights and information to their audience.
It\'s all about Trusts administrated in Equity... perfected Equity. Otherwise, will be caught under the administration of the administrators of a bankruptcy and thus under the rule and rules of that bankruptcy as a Debtor serving their bankrupt masters in the capacity of Surety required to perform that duty for their benefit as Trustee.
A podcast designed to bridge the gap with citizens through long conversation and education
The Weather Channel archive & edits. HELP US REACH 20 FOLLOWERS!
Mel and Heidi discuss whatever they want. Thursdays at 7pm Pacific.
MURS and GMRS Radio setup and reviews
Chad Gracey the drummer from +LiVe+ & TGF has hooked up with comedian & podcaster JRo (Mr. GoodTimes) to form The Gracious Two. Together they are putting the SHIT in bullSHIT!
Outdoor hunting, fishing and DIY tips and tricks to save you cash!
Two newly weds leave Canada behind to start a new life in beautiful Bitcoin country, El Salvador
Welcome to the official D&J REACT video channel, your exclusive gateway to a world of music discovery, entertainment, and community like no other.
Welcome to our channel. Your hosts are Andrea Calderio and Kelli Lair. Our mission is to provide entertainment, education and insights regarding our the changing financial landscapes through our TW&C weekly podcast, classes, events, and satirical videos! Our focus is the digitization and tokenization of our worlds financial systems, through deep dives into news and games that are at play. We hope to peel back the layers of information to so you can catch a thread of truth to anchor into your own reality. Our weekly podcast is streamed live each Friday morning at 8am pst / 11am est on our social media channels. Thank you for being here, we are grateful. Welcome to The Future! You're Right on Time! Hodl ON and Plant Potatoes! BOOM! BOOM! Great Reset Planet facts you don't see ♚chave pix 400e3649-3fb2-434a-8090-e7cbf41a797b colabore com canal para trazemos conteudos de qualidade: inscreva-se TV BTC 247coin BTC Analise JK ♦ ♣ ♥ ♠♞ Consultoria de logística e estratégias financeiras cripto ativos ♕ Cryptocurrency Revelation, The Truth You Can't See ♞ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ Inscreva-se no canal e ative o sininho para ser alertado da postagem do vídeo em tempo real: não e oficial Binance * e-mail aqui do Canal * colaborador orientador de como usar a plataforma CONTATO OFICIAL BINANCE SIGA O LINK ABAIXO E ♚ ♥ ♦ ♞ ♣ ♠ - Pepe Escobar historiador Geopolítico Quem e Pepe Ecobar nos 80 pela mídia brasileira como crítico cultural terminou de forma tumultuada por conta de uma "polêmica que minou sua credibilidade como crítico e posteriormente como jornalista musical"[5]: acusações de plágio e fabricação de matérias. Como relembrado pelo jornalista Lúcio Ribeiro em sua coluna na Ilustrada da Folha de S. Paulo,[6] Pepe Escobar foi demitido deste mesmo caderno depois da publicação de uma crítica a um disco de David Bowie (Let's Dance), sendo esta inteiramente plagiada de um livro de rock publicado pela revista Rolling Stone.[7] Os plágios teriam sido identificados pelo jornalista André Singer, que depois publicaria texto-denúncia sobre a crítica de Bowie. Na ocasião, Escobar justificaria o ato como uma homenagem ao "jogo de espelhos" do escritor argentino Jorge Luis Borges,[8] desculpa que não colou e que acabou gerando sua demissão do jornal em 1987.[9]No entanto, a polêmica na Ilustrada, longe de ser um caso isolado, suscitou dúvidas e pesquisas no material por ele publicado em outras redações jornalísticas. Problemas éticos sérios foram identificados em seu trabalho também em outras publicações.Na revista Bizz foi identificado plágio em uma entrevista com Bryan Ferry, ex-líder do Roxy Music.[10] Já n'O Estado de S. Paulo, segundo o crítico cultural do jornal Daniel Piza, Escobar teria inventando do zero uma entrevista com o cineasta franco-polonês Roman Polanski, também gerando a sua demissão e reordenamento de carreira no exterior.[11][12] /////////////////// Para tirar dúvidas e receber orientações de como criar sua conta na Binance, SIGA O LINK ABAIXO ♞ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ Inscreva-se no canal e ative o sininho para ser alertado da postagem do vídeo em tempo real: Cryptocurrency Revelation, The Truth You Can't See geopolitica,Expertise,Authoritativeness,Trustworthiness,me surpreenda,me emocione,me impressione,me eduque,me tranquilize,me ajude,eu preciso,Trustworthiness BTC Bitcoin,solana,universo cripton,O que são criptomoedas,10 Principais criptomoedas,Ether ethereum,XRP,Litecoin,EOS,Cardano,lumens,Link,marketplace de moedas,Foxbit,BitcoinToYou,dchainlink,FTX,Monero,ApeCoin,MANA,EGLD,SAND,THETA,WAVES,Kusama,KSM,PAX Gold,USD Coin,Axie Infinity,Coinext,Mercado Bitcoin,NovaDAX TV BTC 247coin canal TV BTC 247coin ♚chave pix 400e3649-3fb2-434a-8090-e7cbf41a797b colabore com canal TV BTC 247coin para trazemos conteudos de qualidade. Inscreva-se no canal e ative o sininho para ser alertado da postagem do vídeo em tempo real: Cryptocurrency Revelation, The Truth You Can't See
Habakkuk's Two Tables 95-part series
Two Men and a Bible is hosted by Jeff Hoverson and Joel Hylden. Jeff and Joel have been close friends for over 40 years and love to discuss and debate the Word of God. Join us as we explore the scriptures.
Welcome to my precision shooting sports channel. I will host match videos, product reviews and much much more!
Everything you hear or see on my videos is not an advice to trade, do your own research - I am showing you how I trade, have fun! YouTube->
Encouraging You to take your passion make it happen and let Yourself be Great! Raise the Standard within you and Bring out your inner Greatness!
Radio Stations have done it for decades. I'll put together two great songs from one band, in one video clip.
O objetivo desse canal é fazer um repositório seguro e formar uma seleção de vídeos onde uma pessoa leiga em Bitcoin possa se tornar rapidamente uma adotante vendo e estudando os vídeos de cada playlist. Para quem tem um tempo limitado temos o "Curso Condensado para Adoção de Bitcoin" (Apenas 13 vídeos) -> no Rumble: no BitChute: Um bom conhecedor do assunto se forma vendo todos os vídeos deste canal. Somente a "nata" de vídeos educativos sobre BTC, salvos das redes das "Bigtechs" neste repositório isento, protegido e gratuito. Playlists-> 1 - Renato Amoedo: 2 - Introdução Ao Bitcoin: 3 - Cuidados e Segurança Relacionadas ao Bitcoin: 4 - Carteiras Seguras de Bitcoin para Celulares Android e Séries Educacionais: -x- -x- -x- Se agregamos algum valor a você, considere nos doar uma gorjeta. Doações lightning: ou Doações On Chain: bc1qh2gmwgtwhpg8p5lhytvt9656trjf5gnmzpmtwg QR code: -x- -x- -x- Nostr (biblioteca gratuita): Todos os vídeos: Também no Bitchute:
Intuitive NY Italian Cousins living on separate coasts. Lisa & Kendra have years of experience in the Music Industry • Concerts & Special Events • Public Relations • Management • Media. They are both Crystal & Jewelry Shop Owners On this channel you will find a mix of Anything & Everything. Live streaming, Trivia Challenges, Critiques, Reactions, Spillin' Tea, Laughter & Fun! Ya know... Life & Stuff.😜 Show some ❤, Subscribe and hit the 👍and help us grow our channel! Don't forget to hit the notification button and choose ALL so you are notified when we upload new videos! Enjoy your life! Tips & Donations are greatly appreciated: ** Any information or views on any of our LIVEs, Shorts or Videos that appear on this channel are of the opinions of Two Lees In A Pod & our guests only. Critique, Reaction, News, Commenting or discussing public figures aka "famous celebrities or Youtubers" (including the self proclaimed), are all legal under the term Fair Use and is upheld by the laws of government within the United States.
Motorcycle and Dirt Bike related how to's, reviews, and motovlogs
Just Two Good Old Boys
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