BTC Sessions
647 FollowersYour one-stop-shop for Bitcoin tutorials, news and panel discussions.
R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Medical Fellowship
152 FollowersRoot and Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy Medical Fellowship Founding Chair: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko z"l (of blessed memory)
R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Torah Fellowship
71 FollowersRoot and Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy Torah Fellowship Chair: Rabbi Chananya Weissman
R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Erev Rav And Amalek Research Fellowship
57 FollowersRoot and Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy Erev Rav (Mixed Multitude) And Amalek (God's Gegenrasse) Research Fellowship
Root and Branch Assn., F.I.M. Ltd. Bible Codes Fellowship
56 FollowersRoot And Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy Bible Codes Fellowship Chair: Professor Eliyahu Rips
Before the Day Ends
52 FollowersJoin us for 10 minutes of fun, informative and challenging explorations of God\'s Word with Frank Shirvinski.
Root and Branch Association Ltd.
37 FollowersRoot and Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy Founder: Mr. Lowell Joseph Gallin
R&BAssn., Ltd. F.I.M. Business Fellowship
33 FollowersRoot And Branch Association, Ltd. Business Fellowship Chair: Mr. Rafi Farber
IPTV ltd
32 FollowersGet your IPTV ltd service on Fire TV Stick. Over 3000+ channels in HD and 4K. No lag. No downtime
Leadership Excellence, Ltd.
32 FollowersPersonal leadership development, enhancing human growth and potential.
R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. In Jewish Blood Seminar
29 FollowersRoot and Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy "In Jewish Blood: The Zionist Alliance with Germany, 1933-1963" Seminar
R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Lost Tribes Fellowship
27 FollowersRoot and Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy Lost Tribes Fellowship Chair: Mr. Yair Davidiy
R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Secret Origins of Christianity Seminar
26 FollowersRoot and Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy Secret Origins of Christianity Seminar
TV BTC 247coin
25 Followers Great Reset Planet facts you don't see ♚chave pix 400e3649-3fb2-434a-8090-e7cbf41a797b colabore com canal para trazemos conteudos de qualidade: inscreva-se TV BTC 247coin BTC Analise JK ♦ ♣ ♥ ♠♞ Consultoria de logística e estratégias financeiras cripto ativos ♕ Cryptocurrency Revelation, The Truth You Can't See ♞ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ Inscreva-se no canal e ative o sininho para ser alertado da postagem do vídeo em tempo real: não e oficial Binance * e-mail aqui do Canal * colaborador orientador de como usar a plataforma CONTATO OFICIAL BINANCE SIGA O LINK ABAIXO E ♚ ♥ ♦ ♞ ♣ ♠ - Pepe Escobar historiador Geopolítico Quem e Pepe Ecobar nos 80 pela mídia brasileira como crítico cultural terminou de forma tumultuada por conta de uma "polêmica que minou sua credibilidade como crítico e posteriormente como jornalista musical"[5]: acusações de plágio e fabricação de matérias. Como relembrado pelo jornalista Lúcio Ribeiro em sua coluna na Ilustrada da Folha de S. Paulo,[6] Pepe Escobar foi demitido deste mesmo caderno depois da publicação de uma crítica a um disco de David Bowie (Let's Dance), sendo esta inteiramente plagiada de um livro de rock publicado pela revista Rolling Stone.[7] Os plágios teriam sido identificados pelo jornalista André Singer, que depois publicaria texto-denúncia sobre a crítica de Bowie. Na ocasião, Escobar justificaria o ato como uma homenagem ao "jogo de espelhos" do escritor argentino Jorge Luis Borges,[8] desculpa que não colou e que acabou gerando sua demissão do jornal em 1987.[9]No entanto, a polêmica na Ilustrada, longe de ser um caso isolado, suscitou dúvidas e pesquisas no material por ele publicado em outras redações jornalísticas. Problemas éticos sérios foram identificados em seu trabalho também em outras publicações.Na revista Bizz foi identificado plágio em uma entrevista com Bryan Ferry, ex-líder do Roxy Music.[10] Já n'O Estado de S. Paulo, segundo o crítico cultural do jornal Daniel Piza, Escobar teria inventando do zero uma entrevista com o cineasta franco-polonês Roman Polanski, também gerando a sua demissão e reordenamento de carreira no exterior.[11][12] /////////////////// Para tirar dúvidas e receber orientações de como criar sua conta na Binance, SIGA O LINK ABAIXO ♞ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ Inscreva-se no canal e ative o sininho para ser alertado da postagem do vídeo em tempo real: Cryptocurrency Revelation, The Truth You Can't See geopolitica,Expertise,Authoritativeness,Trustworthiness,me surpreenda,me emocione,me impressione,me eduque,me tranquilize,me ajude,eu preciso,Trustworthiness BTC Bitcoin,solana,universo cripton,O que são criptomoedas,10 Principais criptomoedas,Ether ethereum,XRP,Litecoin,EOS,Cardano,lumens,Link,marketplace de moedas,Foxbit,BitcoinToYou,dchainlink,FTX,Monero,ApeCoin,MANA,EGLD,SAND,THETA,WAVES,Kusama,KSM,PAX Gold,USD Coin,Axie Infinity,Coinext,Mercado Bitcoin,NovaDAX TV BTC 247coin canal TV BTC 247coin ♚chave pix 400e3649-3fb2-434a-8090-e7cbf41a797b colabore com canal TV BTC 247coin para trazemos conteudos de qualidade. Inscreva-se no canal e ative o sininho para ser alertado da postagem do vídeo em tempo real: Cryptocurrency Revelation, The Truth You Can't See
22 FollowersEverything you hear or see on my videos is not an advice to trade, do your own research - I am showing you how I trade, have fun! YouTube->
R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. "Britain, Bible & Balfour"
22 FollowersRoot and Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy Seminar Mr. Yonathan Immanuel, Author: "Britain, The Bible, and Balfour: Mandate For A Jewish State, 1530-1917"
R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Israeli "Arabs" Seminar
20 FollowersRoot and Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy Seminar "Jewish Roots of Land of Israel Arabs ('Palestinians')" Seminar Chair: Mr. Zvi Misinai
Tetevas BTC
19 FollowersO objetivo desse canal é fazer um repositório seguro e formar uma seleção de vídeos onde uma pessoa leiga em Bitcoin possa se tornar rapidamente uma adotante vendo e estudando os vídeos de cada playlist. Para quem tem um tempo limitado temos o "Curso Condensado para Adoção de Bitcoin" (Apenas 13 vídeos) -> no Rumble: no BitChute: Um bom conhecedor do assunto se forma vendo todos os vídeos deste canal. Somente a "nata" de vídeos educativos sobre BTC, salvos das redes das "Bigtechs" neste repositório isento, protegido e gratuito. Playlists-> 1 - Renato Amoedo: 2 - Introdução Ao Bitcoin: 3 - Cuidados e Segurança Relacionadas ao Bitcoin: 4 - Carteiras Seguras de Bitcoin para Celulares Android e Séries Educacionais: -x- -x- -x- Se agregamos algum valor a você, considere nos doar uma gorjeta. Doações lightning: ou Doações On Chain: bc1qh2gmwgtwhpg8p5lhytvt9656trjf5gnmzpmtwg QR code: -x- -x- -x- Nostr (biblioteca gratuita): Todos os vídeos: Também no Bitchute:
R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Film Fellowship
19 FollowersRoot and Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy Film Fellowship Chair: Roseanne Barr
R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Uyghur-Israel Fellowship
17 FollowersRoot and Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy Uyghur-Israel Fellowship Chair: Dr. Enver Tohti Bughda
BTC Live Party
16 FollowersBTC Live Party - The original 24/7 Bitcoin price watch party! Join our global community watching Bitcoin price action live with non-stop music and good vibes. What started as a viral X stream with over 10M+ viewers has evolved into the ultimate Bitcoin price tracking experience across multiple platforms. No hype, no shitcoins - just pure Bitcoin energy and amazing tunes around the clock. Watch Bitcoin history unfold in real-time with fellow Bitcoiners from around the world. Whether it's ATHs or dips, we're here for it all! 🚀 Join the biggest party on the internet - where Bitcoin never sleeps, and neither do we!
R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Pashtun-Israel Fellowship
14 FollowersRoot and Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy Pashtun-Israel Fellowship Chair: Mr. Fazal ur-Rehman Afridi
Transylvanian Ship Models Ltd.
14 FollowersOn this channel I will post various videos about my activity as a professional ship-model engineer. Since 1996 when I opened this business in Canada, I completed a good number of models (new models or restorations) all commissioned by clients ranging from Maritime Museums, art collectors, yacht clubs or shipyards. In order to preserve the originality of my work, all my models are scratch built at the highest level of accuracy. For more information visit my web site at \r\\r\
R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Ancient Roots Mothering
13 FollowersRoot and Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy Ancient Roots Mothering: Roots, Nettles and Sage Seminar
R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Temple Fellowship
13 FollowersRoot and Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy Temple Fellowship Chair: Rabbi Professor Hillel Weiss
R&B Assn, Ltd. F.I.M. Islam-Israel Fellowship
12 FollowersRoot And Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy Islam-Israel Fellowship Founding Chairs: Dr. Asher Eder z"l (of blessed memory), Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi
R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Mavericks and Outliers
12 FollowersRoot and Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy Mavericks and Outliers Seminar Chair: Betsie Saltzberg
R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Jewish Roots Of Our Faith
12 FollowersRoot and Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy "Exploring the Jewish Roots of Our Faith -- Reflections and Meaningful Conversations Along Our Journey to Truth" Seminar
R&B Assn, Ltd. F.I.M. Christian-Israel Fellowship
10 FollowersRoot And Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy Christian-Israel Fellowship in Honor and Memory of Mr. Lowell Joseph Gallin's Friends and Teachers Reverend Edward Flannery, Reverend Dr. Franklin Hamlin Littell and Sister Dr. Rose Thering
Full BTC | Austro-Libertário
10 Followers#Bitcoin Menos contraditório do que defensores do comunismo que almoçam ou defensores do livre mercado que são contra a sonegação de impostos.
Owner @ Anabar and Ryan Ankrom Fitness LTD
10 FollowersEducate and simplify the process
Radio Free BTC Podcast
10 FollowersThe video home of the Radio Free BTC podcast
R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Law Fellowship
9 FollowersRoot and Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy Law Fellowship Chair: Advocate Baruch Ben Yosef
R&BAssn., Ltd. F.I.M. Science Fellowship
9 FollowersRoot and Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy Science Fellowship Chair: Professor Gerald Lawrence Schroeder
R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Counter Missionary Group
9 FollowersRoot and Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy Counter-Missionary Group
R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Intelligence Services Fellowship
8 FollowersRoot and Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy Intelligence Services Fellowship
The One, Amanah and Chairman of Group K LTD.
8 FollowersAmanah Neil F. Keenan is fulfilling his mission to open, audit and secure the Global Accounts, as well as his elected Amanah Agreement mandate to unify and fund humanitarian and planetary projects. As the exalted The One, Keenan is the M1 Mastermind of the eastern and western financial systems.
sMiles BTC App - Earn Free Bitcoin
7 Followersthe sMiles BTC App is available on iOS and Android. sMiles enables its users to earn free Bitcoin every day for simple things like walking, shopping, and playing games. sMiles BTC App is the best and easiest way to stack sats doing the things you already do.
R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Armed Forces Fellowship
7 FollowersRoot and Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy Armed Forces Fellowship Founding Chair: Lt. Col. Martin Gallin, Esq. NYU Law Review (1949) z"l (of blessed memory)