Blog do crochê - Samuel Ramos


Olá, meu nome é Samuel Ramos e aqui no canal compartilho conhecimento em artesanato. Trabalho exclusivamente com esta arte que aprendi em 2012. Em 2014 comecei fazer passo a passo com fotografias e postar no site e em 28 de abril de 2018 comecei fazer vídeos e postar aqui no canal. Objetivo: Ensinar o crochê nos mínimos detalhes, com o carinho de quem ensina para alguém que está ao meu lado e gosta da mesma arte que eu. 📧📬 Quer enviar algo? Blog do crochê Av. Sargento Hermínio Sampaio, 3100 - Sala 1207 Empresarial Riomar Kennedy Bairro: Pres. Kennedy CEP: 60355-512 - Fortaleza - CE Crochê passo a passo de forma fácil #Blogdocroche

Les archives de MARCUS (The Bridge)


MARCUS's archives - French & English channel. A - Mofidier l'histoire par l'effacement des preuves a toujours été leur stratégie. A l'ère digitale le phénomène est plus grave encore. Il devient vital d'archiver et de partager tant que possible. Changing history by erasing evidence has always been their strategy. In the digital age, the phenomenon is even more serious. It becomes vital to archive and share as much as possible. ------------------------------------------- B - Cette chaîne a également l'ambition, tout au moins l'espoir de servir de "pont" entre le monde francophone et anglophone, qui ne se connaissent pas (ou si mal), ne se comprennent pas et communiquent si peu. Dans les temps critiques actuels, il est essentiel que les hommes de bonne volonté de chaque côté des deux univers cloisonnés, se parlent. L'issue du combat entre les forces du mal et du bien, en dépend... This channel also has the ambition, at least the hope of serving as a "bridge" between the French-speaking and English-speaking worlds, who do not know each other (or so badly), do not understand each other and communicate so little. In the current critical times, it is essential that men of good will on either side of the two compartmentalized universes speak to each other. The outcome of the fight between the forces of evil and good depends on it... ------------------------------------------- Dans cet effort gigantesque mais nécessaire, j'apporte ici ma modeste contribution, ce qui m'est possible de faire à mon petit niveau. Si chacun à son propre niveau contribuait un minimum à la bataille, l'énergie accumulée sur la planète entière, comme une lumière éblouissante, serait la plus puissante jamais recuillie dans toute l'histoire ! La plus puissante... après celle de notre seigneur Jésus Christ et de Dieu son père. Nous avons ce pouvoir en nous. Nous l'ignorons simplement. Il est temps ! Relâchons tous ensemble, main dans la main, ce pouvoir sur le monde et réduisons ces démons en poussière... In this gigantic but necessary effort, I bring here my modest contribution, which is possible for me to do at my small level. If everyone at their own level contributed a minimum to the battle, the energy accumulated on the entire planet, like a dazzling light, would be the most powerful ever gathered in all history! The most powerful... after that of our lord Jesus christ and God his father. We have this power within us. We just ignore it. It's time ! Let's all together, hand and hand, release this power on the world and reduce these demons to dust... juin (june) 2023, Marcus F.

Mad Hatter Bags


Hi everyone! Welcome to my channel! The Mad Hatter here! I'll be reviewing all type luxury items and finds from the big DH and other private sellers. If you're a current subscriber, welcome back! If you're new, please consider subscribing so you won't miss any future content. I do at least one video a week. If you're new and like my content, please subscribe, like, and share my videos to support my channel! Also I love feedback so please feel free to comment as well! Now let's fall down the "Rabbit Hole" together and see where it leads! We're All Mad Here! The Mad Hatter ** Disclaimer: This channel is for educational & entertainment purposes only. I am not promoting or endorsing the purchase of counterfeit items. For collaboration please email me: or contact me on WhatsApp: +12517762606 Become a DHGATE AFFILIATE