The Zo Loft w/ AlfonZo Rachel


The Zo Loft is a play on words using a shortened version of my name, AlfonZo Rachel or “Zo” and my “loft” where I conduct my commentaries. The commentaries are observations Through a Biblical, conservative, and I dare say a comedic filter on politics, culture, and whatever I may find interesting the news. The Zo Loft is a thought provoking and humorous commentary usually on the absurd, mentally and emotionally questionable state of liberals – hence I, Zo, prescribe to them a dose of truth from the “Zo Loft”. And for the conservatives who sometimes feel run down from what the liberals are doing to this country, I also prescribe to them a visit to the “Zo Loft” too for a dose of chuckle therapy by pointing out the absurdity of liberals, while lifting spirits with Bible based truth. The Zo Loft is primarily my monologues, but the production is meant to evolve into including satirical skits to illustrate the absurdity of left wing thinking.



Rafael Hungria é psicólogo, pesquisador e orientador em Dakila Pesquisas, uma associação que tem como objetivo investigar diversas áreas do conhecimento, buscando preencher as lacunas que a ciência tradicional ainda não conseguiu. Desde 1999, vem realizando pesquisas e trabalhos com grupos de pessoas no mundo todo, visando o despertar da consciência e unificar conhecimentos das diversas tradições do passado, buscando a verdade por trás de tantas mentiras e distorções científicas e religiosas. Através de uma Parceria única e especial, tem como compromisso resgatar e devolver a Luz do Conhecimento à humanidade!

The Bad Luck Boys Verified


The "Bad Luck Boys" are three cool dudes who consist of: Mersh - A non-cat guy until he met a cat he felt bad for. And then another one. And another. You get the point. Louie Fats/Naps/Snacks/Crabs - A cat I met in the parking lot of a Circle K. His family was evicted and he was abandoned. So I worked out a deal with the manager who used to leave food out for him and he helped me snatch him up once I could make my place pet-friendly. He's the mellowest dude you've ever met. But not a cuddler. Justice Clarence Biscuits - A small, black cat who, shortly after maturing but still being very tiny, began showing up at my door every few nights. I'd feed him and he'd start showing up every other night. And eventually every night. He finally just came inside and rounded out the crew. He sleeps in my bed wedged under my armpit. This channel will chronicle some of their adventures as they get to know each other. You can support the boys here:



Welcome to School of the American Rifle Rumble Page! School of the American Rifle is a Technical/Armorers Training Course located in Elkton MD, that focuses on the popular and modular, direct-impingement AR15 rifle, carbine, short barreled rifle, and pistol. Our Gunsmith & Instructor "Instructor Chad" is dedicated to guiding his students to develop a deep and thorough understanding of the AR15. Our training philosophy is simple, we strive to give each student an intense and intimate understanding of their AR15 that rivals the knowledge that many professional Gunsmiths and Armorers possess.