Zvanični Rumble kanal\nBALKAN INFO je nezavisna medijska produkcija osnovana u junu 2015. godine u Beogradu. Tu smo kao glas svih koji ne žele da budu deo kratkotrajnih projekata i saveza, svih onih koji poštuju srpske tradicionalne vrednosti i koji čuvaju sećanje na naše slavne pretke. Hrabri smo i odlučni u želji da se odupremo svima koji žele da okupiraju Srbiju i od nje stvore koloniju, a narod pretvore u bezlične poslušnike tuđih država i korporacija.\n\nHvala Vam puno što pratite naše emisije i što nam pišete Vaše predloge i sugestije kako da emisiju učinimo još kvalitetnijom. Sa nadom da će nas u ovoj pravednoj i plemenitoj borbi biti više, pridružite nam se i kontaktirajte nas na

LeafyIsHere Archive 🍂


Hello & welcome to my LeafyIsHere Archive Channel. My name is Joe or Joey (not Leafy) & most likely just like you I'm an old fan of Mr LeafyIsHere or Calvin Lee Vail or LeafyWasHere? Damn, that joke is old. Anyways I'm also a full-time YouTuber called Catmanjoe but I re-upload LeafyIsHere's old content & Archive-it as a passion project, I'm not trying to bully or harass anyone. I'm just trying to keep a piece of YouTube History from when I was in my teenage years from falling through the cracks & disappearing that's all. (づ。 ◕‿‿◕。) づ)

IVALA® - 3D Veterinary Anatomy - Promo Verified


Our patients are 3-dimensional, and the problems we deal with on a daily basis as a practitioner require us to engage with them that way. Like which way you need to derotate a stomach during a GDV; or the neuroanatomy that might be diseased given an abnormal cranial nerve reflex; or which way we need to tilt our ultrasound probe to give us a better view of the left adrenal. To date however, the overwhelming majority of teaching material has focused on these concepts in just 2-dimensions. A concept that should be straightforward to understand, commit to memory & ultimately utilise for the benefit of our patients, all of a sudden isn’t. We’re on a mission to change that. Join now:

Frequency Affirmations


Learn Positive Affirmations using our animated guided frequency meditation music videos with ASMR sounds. Kundalearni will also teach you how to carry out Kundalini Meditation, starting with opening and balancing your Root Chakra, all the way up to your Crown. 🎹 Our Sound Frequency Music is composed by our talented Musician 'AJ' and our affirmation Voice Overs are performed by our Voice Over, Oliver, both Real Humans! and all especially for Kundalearni.🎤 The Frequency music is composed specifically for our channel using the correct Kundalini frequencies. We'll also demonstrate the specific Chants and Mudras for you in a simple-to-follow way for each Chakra. ----------------------------------- *Disclaimer - Please consult your Physician/Doctor before undertaking any Kundalini practices. Kundalearni cannot accept responsibility for any adverse effects of practicing the meditations and techniques demonstrated on this channel. They are undertaken entirely at the viewer's own risk.