Fatal Investing


HELLO MY FELLOW INVESTORS!!! Welcome to my channel, I mainly focus on value investing and long term investing. I analyze companies based on their fundamentals shares outstanding, free cashflow, etc. and use my Discounted Free Cashflow Calculator (that is available for everyone) to come up with an intrinsic value for the company. I teach how to invest for the long term 20+ years and how to love red markets. If you like this content all I ask like, sub, and comment.

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Recorded streams and videos about MMOs and other games like Elder Scrolls Online, Guild Wars 2, Warframe and Path of Exile to name a few. I\\\'ll be alternating live streaming on Twitch and YouTube until I find the best groove. I usually stream late in the evenings or on weekends. The #1 Way To Support This Channel Is Backing Me On SubscribeStar https://subscribestar.com/avatarsage7 * PayPal: https://paypal.me/sunnylam706?locale.x=en_US Follow Me * Twitter: https://twitter.com/avatar_sage * Discord: https://discord.gg/856kRZW * Website: https://avatarsage7.com * Newsletter: https://sunny-lam-associates.ck.page/6d6d9841d5