Appalachia's Homestead with Patara ✅


Free gift for all of my Subscribers..... How a suburban family left it all behind in order to homeschool & homestead in Appalachia. Learn how to begin homesteading and to learn vital skills such as gardening, food preservation, animal husbandry, homeschooling, genealogy and more! We have chickens, turkeys, geese, quail, ducks, dairy cows, dairy goats, rabbits, 3 Great Pyrenees & the cutest farm cat around! Come along with us on our journey as we follow our Appalachian roots! Thank you for following our journey & supporting our channel! ~

Florian Boschi - Approaches to Health


The field of health and medicine is overloaded with strategies, solutions, systems and good advice. This makes it as dynamic and ever-changing as any other living thing. This can sometimes be helpful, more often than not though it plays into a state of inner distraction and confusion within. Healing is mostly an individual journey, one of watching and recognising natural processes and dynamics and one that demands a certain ability of taking a step back and looking at oneself with an open mind. There are so many things we are taught in medicine that, even though maybe valid by principle, have no relevance to your personal healing journey. There is a quiet light inside of us which is always there to tell us about our connectedness to the universe around us. This connectedness seemed to have had much m ore conscious attention in ancient cultures, than it does today. In fact, this light seems to have become forgotten by many of us. The light however still exists and will always exist, as it is the essence of who we truly are. The further we are consumed by a fast pacing world, confusion about what is real and what is not, what is important and what is fleeting, the more this light is once again pushing to the forefront of our awareness. For some of us ever so slightly, but the more we are deprived of this light, the more confused and scattered we become and the more this light wants to be felt again. This guiding light within each of us, is also guiding us back to health. With it we can experience the journey to health as a communication with a living, expanding and guiding healer that exists within ourselves. The idea is to be quiet enough and free enough of fear to hear this voice within. It is a modern idea that people are independent living systems. Our high-tech culture has disconnected us from the simplicity of nature and a natural state of health. The long-term well being of our species is threatened by environmental toxins, electromagnetic frequencies, an overprescription of pharmaceutical “effect based“ medications and now in the last years even the common place distribution of genetically modifying agents among the general population. Diseases which humans can potentially pass on to their own children for generations to come have become a a real danger. As we are progressing down this path, which with every step seems more disconnected from real heath and wellbeing, these problems could get even worse in the future, if we are not starting to listen to what’s inside. The term "health" can be visualised as an all-encompassing landscape that includes not just the physical but also the mental, intellectual, and spiritual aspects of one's being. The quality of our lives depends in a sense on our roots, in our traditions, in the way we understand ourselves, in the connections we have with our friends and families, the environment we live in, and how much we are in touch with all of it. Only once we manage to find the balance within these aspects, can we truly awaken physical, mental, and social health. To do this it helps to find back to the simplicity and inner knowing which lies at the core of our beings and which can be found within the above described light. Everything has a deeper meaning in this world, and once we look for the connectivity in all things, nature will reveal its secrets to us. From the simple leaf to the extraordinary snowflake, everything has a miraculous quality to it, and every aspect of it is perfectly imbued with divine energy and grounded in its source, an internal and external relational continuum. Just as the whole is dependent on the part, as the part is dependent on the whole. For example the entire planet earth is made from five elements within a certain ratio and humans who live on earth are made from the same elements with the exact same ratio. Microcosm and macrocosm are inseparable, and understanding this can give us a deep understanding of life and healing itself. This is where science and mysticism merge, forming a synthesis which is necessary to allow us see the parts as a whole again. Science has fractioned reality into smaller and smaller parts. It is time to bring them all back together to a whole. Science as it is known today is only a drop of water in the sheer endless ocean of knowledge that was available to us in other times in history. Learning about various aspects of our reality from the ancients leads to a more holistic appreciation for the wonders of nature all around us. Just as does simply watching nature, and how it is revealing to us its secrets freely. As more people in modern society seek natural remedies, we can see that we're circling back to our roots. An enormous renewal is taking place, elevating the importance of plants, simplicity, holistic, synthesised frameworks in society. Plant medicines serve a greater function than providing us with food, shelter, and defense against diseases; they are also here to help us revert to the primordial state of mind that pervaded the Earth for eons. Through the practice of herbalism, we are able to keep alive a sacred aspect of this exact same awareness. The ancients say, there is a plant based solution for every existing disease in the world. We just have to keep our eyes open and see the opportunity when the universe presents it. Therefore we need unity within. Unity within is the medicine that will open all other doors.

Randall Franks - Share America Foundation, Inc.


Actor/Entertainer Randall Franks, "Officer Randy Goode" from TV\'s "In the Heat of the Night," hosts and shares music, entertainers and interviews focusing on Appalachian Musical Arts in youth and the performers who encourage them. Share America Foundation, Inc., a 501-C-3 of Georgia, fosters the arts and preserves the history of Appalachia through the presentation of the Pearl and Floyd Franks Scholarship to youth who continue traditional music styles of the region. It also hosts special events and creates projects that perpetuate the Appalachian experience. It operates with a five-member volunteer board, currently including Chairman Gary Knowles, Vice Chairman Jimmy Terrell, Secretary James Pelt, President Randall Franks, and Vice President Jerry Robinson, and a task force of volunteers. The organization has assisted 30 college scholars thus far and numerous other youth in aspiring towards their musical goals through entertainer mentors, live performances, and creating opportunities for learning and success. Among the partners of the Share America Foundation are AirPlay Direct, Hillbilly Love, Round Up Grant from the North Georgia Electric Membership Corporation Foundation, Kiwanis Club of Ringgold, and the Wes and Shirley Smith Charitable Endowment and numerous individual donors.