MITA is a network of industry professionals and businesses committed, dedicated, and striving for the continued evolution of the industry through education, transparency, inclusivity, and the development of thoughtful free-market-oriented regulations throughout the United States. Displaying the MITA medallion on your packaging, website, or brick and mortar store of your brand, demonstrates your company’s commitment to advancing industry practices in the best interests of the consumers and patients. Shows a commitment to only supporting regulations advancing the free flow of medicine to the patients of an emerging cannabis industry. MITA is a network of cannabis industry professionals and businesses focused on developing an inclusive and accessible industry.

CA Amit Kumar

1 Follower

CA Amit Kumar, a passionate and dedicated Chartered Accountant with over five years of valuable experience in the field of finance. But there's more to this talented individual than just crunching numbers and analyzing financial statements. Driven by a deep-rooted love for teaching, He has embarked on a mission to share their extensive knowledge and practical expertise in commerce subjects. Their ultimate objective is to create a channel where they can blend their real-world experiences as a Finance Manager with the art of teaching. Join Navkarhi Academy on this enlightening voyage, where they combine their unwavering passion for teaching with their rich professional background. By integrating practical scenarios, case studies, and industry best practices, they provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of commerce subjects and equip them with the necessary skills to excel in their careers. Business Enquiry: