Welcome to the YouTube channel. We exist to cross-examine ideas against the truth of Christianity. Here you’ll find content from the Cross Examined team lead by our founder & president Dr. Frank Turek, the co-author of the best-selling Christian apologetics book, ‘I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be An Atheist’ (& several more). Our content includes Q&A clips from live college campus presentations around the country, debates with well-known atheists, interviews, podcast highlights, animation shorts, & our weekly Livestream show, ‘Hope One’. Topics we cover include addressing common misconceptions & objections made against the Bible, God, & Christianity. Demonstrating how historical, archaeological, scientific, & philosophical evidence all support what only the Christian worldview claims. We also discuss political & cultural movements that are incompatible with a Biblical worldview & how Christians can best navigate the cultural climate we find ourselves in today.

America Mission Inc ™ Verified


Mission Statement: America Mission is pioneering a new wave of Conversative Grassroots advocacy by creating a political faction with the strength to parallel traditional parties. Through a blend of unique activism, journalism, and civic engagement, we are building a community of informed citizens to effect change across our great nation. Free from corruption that plague status quo politics, we invite you to join us and. . . MAKE AMERICA YOUR MISSION! Website:

The Jason Damico Show


Developed and founded in the Spring of 2019, The Jason Damico Show is a podcast focused on the artistic community and the covering of uniquely gifted artists/personalities--as well as having fun and documenting great moments and memories. The podcast is conducted in a Joe Rogan-type formatting but more specified towards artists and the entertainment industry. The show has the honor of covering the insightful stories of world class talents and personalities such as Joe McNally (LIFE, National Geo), John Custer (Sony, Columbia), Jessica Lynn (Keith Urban, ZZ Top), James Lugo (American Idol, 311), Brad Russell (Joe Satriani), and many more. The show began gaining traction when we reached out to viral YouTube/Reddit star MessiahSez for a featured special in his apartment in Brooklyn, NY. Many guests on the show have praised the atmosphere of the show to be "healing and therapeutic"--propelling positive vibes into an often negative space (social media).

Matteo D'Amico


Matteo D'Amico è docente di filosofia. Conferenziere e saggista, ha collaborato con una decina di riviste di area cattolica e da alcuni anni conduce su RadioBuonConsiglio i programmi "Storia della Chiesa" e "Il matrimonio cristiano". E' intervenuto come relatore a numerosi convegni in Italia e all'estero. Dal 1998 ha iniziato a occuparsi di temi bioetici, collaborando in particolare con la rivista “Quaderni di San Raffaele”. Ecco alcuni suoi testi: “Giordano Bruno”, PIEMME, 2000; "Piccolo manuale di apologetica",PIEMME, 2004 (coautore); “Per un accesso a Iota Unum: la struttura della critica di Amerio alla teologia conciliare e post-conciliare”, 2008. Acquista il mio ultimo libro "Apostasia Verde", sulla svolta ecologista di papa Francesco: CONTATTI: PER SOSTENERE IL CANALE: PAYPAL: IBAN: IT51T0574802607100000007506