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ALLATRA TV is an International Internet TV of a new format. This is a global media-platform aimed at uniting people all over the world and creating conditions for the development of a creative society. ALLATRA TV is a socially important large-scale project of ALLATRA International Public Movement, the goal of which is to popularize universal spiritual, moral, and cultural values in the world, and to inspire people to make positive changes in themselves and society. e-mail: AllatRa TV: ALLATRA International Public Movement:

Brent Allan Winters - A Common Lawyer Comments


Biblical Teachings with Brent Allan Winters (B.S., M.Div., Th.M., J.D., J.L.) Subject: Exodus- How God deals with Income Tax! 2023-10-15 Get more of Brent Allan Winters at If you would like to have a copy of Brent reading from his Good Book Uncooked, visit Learn about Brent Brent has written nine books available here The Good Book Uncooked: A Common Lawyer Translates the Bible from the Original Tongues & Annotates (a raw translation of the Bible, with over 36,000 footnotes and 150 appendices, 3483 pages). Family Bible – Good Book Uncooked: A Common Lawyer Translates the Bible from the Original Tongues is a raw translation of the Bible without footnotes and appendices. Excellence of the Common Law (contrasting the foundations of our common law of the land with the civil-canon laws of the city, 958 pages); Declaration of ’76 & U.S. Constitution: A Common Lawyer Comments, Clause-by-Clause (250 pages); Don’t Talk to the Police: The Ultimate American Weapon (unpacking the history and reasons for our common-law duty to remain silent and its proper use, 96 pages); Militia of the Several States: Our Constitution’s Answer to Enemies, Foreign & Domestic (unpacking the interplay of our Constitution’s four Militia Clauses, 206 pages); Juror Handbook (tracing the Jury’s ancient common-law ideals and expositing the Bible’s authority for the 12-man Jury: our common law’s final arbiter, from who’s decision there is no appeal among men, 96 pages); Arts of Freedom -vs- Arts of Thralldom (unpacking the only four liberal arts, the arts of language: reading, writing, listening, speaking, 106 pages); God’s Irrevocable Trust Settlement with Abraham (expounding God’s irrevocable, that is unconditional, trustee-beneficiary relationship with His people, 115 pages). Brent’s Law School Courses available here American Grand Jury Constitutional Sheriff™ Four Boxes of Freedom Magna Carta Clause by Clause Drafting a Common-Law Asset Protection Trust Due Process Common-Law Trust Evidence at Common Law Thank you for your support.



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АллатРа ТВ България


АллатРа ТВ - международна доброволческа интернет-телевизия на Международно обществено движение “АЛЛАТРА”, участниците на което се явяват хора от различни страни на света. Увлекателни сюжети за познаване на себе си, откровени диалози за най-главното за човека, добри новини, необичайни интервюта, познавателни предавания, безплатни курсове за видео монтаж и т.н. Това и много друго на познавателния, постоянно усъвършенстващ се, съзидателен, всенародно добър канал на АЛЛАТРА ТВ. Ако вие имате желание безкористно да приложите вашите навици и знания на благото на духовно-нравственото развитие на обществото, да придобиете нови умения в различни области на творчеството и да съзидавате добро в задружен колектив на единомишленици, то ние с радост ви каним да се присъедините към участие в проектите на АЛЛАТРА ТВ, заедно да познаваме, да се развиваме и творим в общо съзидателно дело! Нашият основен адрес: